Lesson Plan for First Girl Scout Meeting

Objective: Girls will participate in Girl Scout circle and learn or re-learn the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Girls will learn each other’s names and a little bit about each other
Girls will participate in a craft activity that will create a design for a t-shirt they can wear to this year’s Girl Scout meetings.

Copy of Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law
Printed ice breaker survey
Fabric crayons

1. Girls will gather in Girl Scout circle. Going around the circle, each girl in turn will tell her name. Other girls will say in unison, “Hello, __(fill in girl’s name)_____.”

2. Girls will stand and form their hands correctly for the Girl Scout Promise. Any girl who does not know the hand sign will be instructed. Girls who know it will recite the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law. Those who don’t know it will listen. All girls will go home with a copy of the Girl Scout Law and the Girl Scout Promise to practice for the next meeting.

3. Girls will each get a copy of the ice breaker survey. It will have statements such as “someone who likes pizza” and “someone whose favorite color is purple” and “someone who is 7 years old.” There will be blanks next to each statement and girls have to talk to each other and fill in one name on each blank. No name can be used more than twice.

4. Girls will come back to the circle and tell something they learned about each other. Leader will prompt, “who knows someone who likes pizza?” and girls will raise their hands to answer. Girls cannot answer with their own name.

5. Girls will have a small snack. One parent will supply the snack. Leader will start a discussion about favorite Girl Scout activities. Girls will talk about what they like about Girl Scouts while they are eating snack. They can talk about how they can draw or represent certain activities. For example, a camping trip may be represented by a tent and an art activity may be represented by a paint palette.

6. Girls will then go to tables with pencils, fabric crayons and paper to draw some of their favorite Girl Scout activities. Girls will be encouraged to draw in pencil first and then fill in with color. Girls will be reminded that only things drawn in fabric crayon will transfer to t-shirt.

7. After everyone is finished coloring, girls will come back to circle to vote on what color t-shirts we will have this year. Voting will take place by having each girl say the color they would like and the leader tallying the votes as they are given.

8. Meeting will close with the Girl Scout circle and the songs, “Brownie Smile” and “Make New Friends but Keep the Old Ones.”

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