Let a Man Have a Paternity Test if That is His Wish

The truth is women only know if the child they are carrying is the expected fathers. Men have no clue. Usually, men are not trying to be disrespectful when asking for a paternity test, instead, they are playing it safe. Reports show that over 70% of fathers today are caring for a child which is not theirs (unknowingly).

Asking for a paternity test is not an unreasonable or unfair request. Paternity fraud is a growing epidemic throughout the world. A father can be a better father by confirming he is the (non-excluded) biological father. Having the thought or wonderment of “is this child mine” creates an unhealthy relationship for the father and child. With that thought and wonderment the father will usually drawback and not fully accept the role or responsibility of fatherhood. This is not an excuse and there is no reason for a father or “said” father to react in such a manner, without first getting confirmation of his paternity.

In my opinion it is the man responsibility and duty to secure his uncertainty by taking a paternity test with his child. The father should take the first step in confirming his paternity. If a man does not decide to move forward with confirming his paternity, then that man should take full responsibility for their child, without any drawbacks, regrets, or concerns. The man has lost his right to wonder about his paternity if he has not taken the needed measures to confirm his paternity. Though, in many countries the mother must give consent to have the child undergo paternity testing. If this is the case then the man should get the consent from the child mother and if refused then the man should get consent from the courts.

The best thing a woman can do is allow a man to get a paternity test. If a woman has nothing to hide or no other expectations then it should not affect the woman. Many times women are aggressively opposed to a man wanting a paternity test, this looks suspicious and shady to most men. This type of opposition makes the “said” father weary and drawback even more. Even if the father doesn’t show physical signs of drawbacks usually there are mental and emotional drawbacks proceeding.

The fact is that women should not feel threatened or disrespected when a man ask for a paternity test, most of the time it helps a man become a better father. The man usually takes a paternity test to suppress his thoughts. Confirming the paternity can also soothe and satisfy his sub-conscious, because sub-consciously a man is affected when not confirming paternity and this is where most of the drawbacks are born. Paternity testing is the wrong direction but the right approach, it’s the obvious world we live in.

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