Lily Dale, New York – Psychic Community: A Great Summer Vacation Spot

Are you looking for a fun summer vacation spot? Do you want to try someplace new and different this year for your summer vacation getaway 2006?

There’s a quaint little town in the Southwestern part of New York State, just south of Buffalo and only a short minutes drive to Chataqua, called Lily Dale. Lily Dale, New York, or the Lily Dale Assembly, as they call themselves is essentially a small community of self-proclaimed “Spiritualists” who open their gates to the public during the summertime months. The official definition of a Spiritualist, according to the Lily Dale Assembly is “One who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the continuity of life and in individual responsibility”. If you are at all interested in the unknown mystifications of our universe and ourselves as human beings, this is a great vacation getaway. Or even for skeptics, who do not believe in healing or magical powers, go check this place out for yourself. You will surely be amazed.

In order to live in Lily Dale, the residents must pass a test proving that they are a medium, a healer or more commonly, a psychic of some sorts. As a tourist there are many places in the little town to visit and tour, like the healing church or the library featuring classic and rare publications about the unknown. But the most fun and exciting part of this great New York vacation getaway is going to see a psychic, or one of the various forms of a psychic. Some read Tarot cards, some read palms, there are some numerologists and also many mediums that supposedly let the spirit speak through them. Either way, these people, mostly women but not only, are amazing people. They bring up names from your past or your family history that there is no possible way they would ever be able to have known it ahead of time. It is truly an amazing experience and glimpse into the world of psychics. And what’s best if you bring a blank tape, or $5 or so to buy one from them, most specialists will offer to tape the session as a standard.

There are also meetings at the “stump”, an actual large tree stump in the middle of a slightly wooded area, that are quite popular. If you are a true spiritualist yourself you may find these stump events to be slightly exploitive of the psychic gifts as they are, but if you are skeptical about the psychic world this is your chance to see if these people are for real or not. It is also a way, I imagine, for the individual specialists to sell themselves for a few minutes. For they each take turns getting up in front of the group of tourists, who congregate in wedding style setup on lawn chairs listening intently, and following their intuition, if you will, they single people out and give them some answers that they were supposedly looking for. It is tempting to question the validity of this and the desire to follow the people who were singled out of the audience to their car to see if they drove through some back alley where they collected the cash from the “psychic” who used them as a ploy. But no, these people, no doubt, are just common tourists like everyone else there with fanny packs and bottled water, and you will see them equally as amazed as you will be as they are walking around the cute little town.

Lily Dale is a fantastic place to visit this summer of 2006 if you are curious about the psychic world, skeptical of it, or even better yet if you have a question or issue in your life right now that you are desperately looking to solve. It is not guaranteed that you will find your answer at Lily Dale, but you’ll definitely without a doubt find lots of fun and a group of truly caring, good people to make for a fun summer vacation in New York that you and your family or friends will never forget.

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