Little Soldier

There would be things that I would be required to do and things that I would want to do.
Somehow the two got mixed up and it was my fault.
Obeying your every word and command wasn’t truly a requirement, but it was something I felt I had to do… Wrong
Following you around blindly wasn’t something I wanted, but seemed to be a requirement, if I wanted to be with you…Wrong
We came together; in this relationship some call love, and found in each other the greatest qualities that we possessed. yet somewhere along the line in doing my job as a girlfriend I lost part of myself.
I became this grand “little soldier”, that with a wink of an eye, and a curl of a smile, she would do whatever you wanted.
In the beginning it was all for love, then it became all about staying in the relationship, making myself so useful to you that you would never want me to leave and go on to the battlefield called Single Life.
You would say; “I love you.”
I would say; “I love you more.”
You would say; “Lie down.”
I would say; “How far back?”
You would say; Come to me.”
I would already be there.
I never questioned.
I never judged.
You had unconditional love from me.
You had unconditional support from me.
Now you just don’t want me…I, in return, don’t want myself.
I hate the woman I have become.
Needing your approval to make any type of move.
Lowering myself in inhumane ways so I could be with you.
Ignoring my friends because You didn’t like them.
When was it ever stated that love had to be so one sided?
When did you ever put yourself in my shoes and play “little soldier” to me?
When did you ever come running when I called?
When were you ever demonstrating your love for me, instead of simply saying it?
When did you ever make me feel as high as the tallest mountain when all I felt was as low as the ground?
I’ll tell you when…When it suited you!!!
One undeniable difference between “little soldiers” and “high ranking officers”…”little soldiers” always do the honorable, the compassionate, and the most understanding, the most selfless things even if it doesn’t suit them…all because and for the one they Love