Live for the Moment

We define certain rules and boundaries of behaviors, a framework to allow us to live without having to think through 90% of the challenges and concerns of life in philosophy of life. Over time, these are the “rules” that we have decided to live by. This philosophy is about taking things day by day. It is about living for the moment.
Mindfulness is a complex, yet simple concept. Be Mindful. Complex in that it involves so many directions, simple, because it is the true path of least energy used.
Live in the moment – for the moment is all we really have. The past is just stories we have about what happened. The past is our best recollection of what happened, at worst, it is a fabrication we created to make it more tolerable at best. The future is nothing more than dreams, and without the actions of the moment, then the dreams will stay only dreams.
When one is open, one is alive, living in life, not just watching through own filters and perceptions. When one is connected, one is being with whoever or whatever one is doing, and that is the focus of my universe at that moment. If one is going to take the time and energy to interact, why not do it fully? If one is open and connected, then one can see your stories and how you are perceiving the world. Be open and connected.
We are interrelated and interconnected to everything in the universe. We are from the energy of the universe, reuse matter from the universe to exist in this physical world, and will give our matter and energy back to the universe when we die. To hold oneself as above something else is to deny this relationship. From this comes respect for all people, all animals, and all of nature. Live interconnected.
Nothing lasts forever, nothing, except possibly our souls. Several traditions follow the creed of living every day as if it were your last, in other words, live life to the fullest, yet, don’t do anything you would have to apologize for, for you may live for 20 years. Acknowledge impermanence.
Always do your best. When one does thier best, they have no reason to question later, no reason to doubt myself, no room for recriminations. When one does their best, one will make mistakes. From these mistakes, one learns and grows. For at the end of the day, one is only human and can only do what this body and mind are capable of doing in the moment.
When one assumes, one is using perception of the world to cloud the reality of the moment. If one assumes one knows what you are thinking, or doing, or being, then one is probably wrong. Never assume.
When others speak or act, they are living in their story, in their moment. When they are angry, it is usually with themselves, not me. If one takes it personally, then one buys into their story, making it theirs. If one stays removed from their story – not taking it personally, then one has the ability to respond in a loving and compassionate way. The same, interestingly enough, is true with praise. If someone praises work, and if one takes it personally, then one is buying into their story as well. This is not to say that we should not listen to others, we definitely should. Yet, we need to maintain our own perspective through life, and take what others say as just their stories, we don’t need to live them. Don’t take anything personally.
When we speak, think, and act from our hearts, we are being in the spirit, being one with all. We are being a level of purity that is our birthright, and so seldom practiced. When one speaks of the heart, one is speaking of being in that space where we are fully connected to the energy of the universe – with God, if you will. Every word we speak and think produces outcomes in our world and the world beyond. So, when one uses words from heart, one is using the words that have the energy of the universe that shape the future of the universe. Using words of love and compassion are very powerful drivers of a future of love and compassion. Using words from my mind and my stories, creates a future impaired by what one perceives today. Always use words from heart.
The act of living and being produces waste. It comes in many forms: bodily wastes, pollutants, ashes from fires, negative energy, hurt feelings, etc. By acknowledging that waste exists, and is a given part of being, then we can own it, embrace it, and manage it. If we build up too much waste within, we get sick. If we build up too much waste in a relationship, we kill it. If we generate too much waste in the environment, we destroy it. Own it, manage it, process it, reduce it. Manage the waste.
All these tips are to help one live for the moment. To live for the moment is to acknowledge what is going on in the here and now. It is not only about knowing what is going in the present, but also how to handle it. It is about dealing with what to have and not to have in life, and how to get rid of things while keeping others. It is about how to manage yourself, and deal with others. It is about moving on and staying healthy. Living for the moment is not about removing oneself from the past, but rather to learn from it and to keep trying.