– a Great New Service Site!

The best service from, in my opinion, is the virtual assistant. You can either call or email your virtual assistant 24/7 and you will receive a quick response for all your household and travel needs. I tried them out yesterday as I am going on a business trip Monday and needed to find a reasonable dry cleaner that would have my clothes ready by 8 AM Monday morning. They came back to me with a prompt, courteous response within the hour with two dry cleaning recommendations, all within five minutes of my home, and the time I would need to drop the clothes off to meet my needs. How great this is!
You can use them to arrange pet sitting, make restaurant reservations, arrange parties, and make gift suggestions. I’m sure this is just a start to what they can do for you, with a little more creative thought.
How many hours of my day will this free up?
I am sure that will expand their service offerings also, after the initial launch period has passed. Their slogan is to “make life like a vacation”. In our stress-crazed world, this should be music to the ears of many!
In order to get all the services offered by, it would take navigating to four or five different websites. One-stop shopping is a wonderful idea, and will save those critical minutes so necessary in our busy lives. is free for the first month, and $19.99 per month thereafter. I suspect it will pay for itself in the first month in time saved and coupon values. For example, I have a 50% off coupon for dry cleaning. I am saving it up to make it fully worthwhile and have three bags full now.