Locksmiths in Missoula, Montana

At some time in your life you will find yourself locked out of your car, home, or business because you forgot to grab your keys on the way out, or the lock has failed. When you are in this situation your stress levels go through the roof. However, you don’t have to worry, because Missoula has several locksmiths that are ready to come to your rescue. This article will profile a few local locksmiths in order to give you an idea of who you can call when you find yourself on the wrong side of a locked door.

Missoula Locksmith Option Number One:

Art and Ray’s Emergency Lock Out Service
218 West Main Street
Missoula, Montana 59802
(406) 728-1322 emergency service
(800) 388-6021

Art and Ray’s is located in downtown Missoula, and they are a good choice for downtown businesses, or for professionals who have found themselves locked out of their cars after work. The shop is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Saturdays by appointment. They accept most major credit cards, as well as local checks and of course cash. They offer both in-store help and mobile services. They offer the following certified services: standard and high security keys, locks installation, lock sales, and lock servicing, high security locks (Medeco, Primus, and Mul-T-Lock brands), complete auto keying and security system sales-installation-service, complete safe services, alarm system installation and monitoring, access control systems, and CCTV system installation. For more information please contact Art and Ray’s directly.

Missoula Locksmith Option Number Two:

Perot Systems
818 West Central Avenue
Missoula, Montana 59801
(406) 829-0977

Perot Systems offer a wide range of services including lock sales and services, including lock repair and installation. For more information about hours of operation and services that are available please contact Perot Systems directly.

Missoula Locksmith Option Number Three:

Missoula Valley Locksmith, Inc.
1604 Wyoming
Missoula, Montana
(406) 542-2472 local phone number
(877) 542-2472 toll free number

Missoula Valley Locksmith, Inc. offers 24 hour emergency service with both in-store and mobile service options. They have been in business for over 17 years and offer the following services: sale-installation-repair of all lock types, re-keying, complete foreign and domestic auto keying-repair-installation, emergency opening that can be billed to AAA, key duplication by code, all transponder keys cut, complete residential and commercial keying systems including master key systems, safe combination changes, and motorcycle services. They are licensed, bonded, and insured and they also offer discounts to seniors and U.M. students. For more information about services offered, products, fees, and hours of operation please contact them directly via one of the contact methods listed above.

Missoula Locksmith Option Number Four:

Bonnie and Clyde’s American Locksmith Service
1521 South 5th Street West
Missoula, Montana 59801
(406) 880-0713 local phone number

In business since 1970 Bonnie and Clyde’s has been servicing Missoula’s commercial and residential lock needs for over three decades. They offer both in-store and mobile lock service, and they specialize in lock systems, master key systems, dead bolt installation, combination changes, and safe servicing. For more information about services offered, products, fees, and hours of operation please contact them directly via one of the contact methods listed above.

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