Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven Review

The Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven arrived on time and I was pleasantly surprised with the nice packaging. I also checked it carefully and I saw no factory defects. Furthermore, it simply looked gorgeous. The color is simply amazing. I don’t mind leaving it on my kitchen counter since it really looks good. You an also bring the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven straight from the stove top on the dining table and not turn off dinner guests.
So how is it when used for cooking? As of today, and I must have used the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven dozens of times, I have no complaints. It keeps heat so efficiently and it is virtually stick-free. I’ve cooked everything in this dutch oven from soup to stews and so far, everything has turned out well. I am so glad I purchased the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven and didn’t waste my money on something that would cost so much more.
Clean-up is also a breeze with the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven. By the way, here’s a tip. Even if its dishwasher safe, if you want it to last longer, it’s better to wash it by hand. I’ve been hearing complaints of chipping and I think the dishwasher is the main culprit. I’ve been hand-washing my Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven and it still looks as good as new.
A friend of mine was worried about possible lead content when I mentioned that my Dutch Oven was made in China so I did some research. According to what I’ve read, Lodge did independent testing on its products and no traces of lead enamel were found. So the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven is safe to use.
I would highly recommend the Lodge Enameled Cast-Iron 6-Quart Dutch Oven to anyone who likes cooking. There really is no need to spend so much money on French cookware when this cheaper alternative will do the job. Just remember to use it correctly and to follow cleaning instructions well.