Loft Extensions in Essex

Loft extension in Essex is one of the construction jobs that allow you to add beauty, elegance and value to your house. It basically helps you extend your roof space to an ideal room. We specialize in loft extensions of various types of roofs; these include terraced roofs, steel roofs, and timber roofs, detached and semi-detached roofs. In addition to our vast experience in construction work, we have developed a good reputation in the market for our quality services. We provide value for your money.

It is extremely important that loft extensions are done correctly. It may appear to be very easy to you but that is where many people make mistakes. They think that a roof light and a few floor boards are enough to store their stuff up in the loft. Remember! Lack of knowledge leads to mistakes and mistakes lead to a total disaster. In our experience of loft extension work, we have found that most contractors have very less knowledge and experience in the construction work and thus, they ruin most the loft extension tasks. So we decided to take necessary steps to put our loft extension ideas in the right direction.

In this article, we will discuss with you all the important aspects of loft extension in Essex. The first thing we need to know is if your building is in a feasible proportion. Then we’ll see how much capacity the roof space has for the loft extension. We’ll also make the necessary structural calculations. Although in certain circumstances planning permissions are necessary but in most loft extension programs, no planning permissions are needed. Still, we would like to enlist some of the building regulations permissions that are required for loft extension in Essex:

1. It is important that the loft extension is separated from the rest of the house by a fire defense creation.

2. Your stairs should also be protected at both ground and first floor by a fire defense enclosed space for your Loft extension.

3. The enclosed space should also be fire resisting.

4. There should be a stair meeting the normal stipulation for going up and coming down along with the needed materials.

5. Alternative means of escaping the fire or any other accident in a situation of emergency are also necessary for loft extensions. A ladder rescue through to the windows is a good option.

6. Your ceiling should be strong enough to support the roof and accommodate the loft extension.

7. Necessary pre-emptive steps should be taken to store and maintain fuel and power that are to be used in the loft extension.

8. Adequate prerequisites should be made to provide a roof space ventilation system for the prevention of excessive condensation in the loft extension.

9. Finally, reasonable headroom should be provided for a successful loft extension program in Essex.

It may seem difficult to get started with a loft extension program considering the above mentioned requirements but you do not have to take the entire load on yourself. We are always at your service thus providing you with the best loft extension program in Essex and fulfilling all the necessary requirements.

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