Looking at Judaism

The first principle to keep in mind when looking at Judaism is Abraham. According to the Bible, God found it necessary to call out for one man and his family to earth. This person was Abraham. This came after a long list of horrible events, including Adam and Eve, and Cane and Abel. Abraham was promised that he would become the father of a great nation and become a blessing to all people if he was faithful to his part of a covenant with God. Isaac then succeeded Abraham in his covenant. This covenant that they speak of is what is God’s promise to the people. God gave the world a promise, through the covenant and the person to play out this covenant was Abraham and his sons. These people are known as the patriarchs of the Jewish people because they are the people who bring forth the religion of the nation.
Israel is the place that Judaism originates and thrives for most of the BCE era. Israel is a key place in the Jewish religion in that this is where the religion begins and without Israel there would be no Judaism. Along with Israel being the origination of Judaism, came the Yahweh. The Yahweh is the original word that the Jews follow and the laws of the religion. Basically the Jews followed these words and catered their lives and actions by what the Yahweh said. When I look at this with the Jews, from a Christian perspective I think of the Ten Commandments and how we as Christians are supposed to follow what those laws say. As for the prophets, they were a select group of people who were sent from God and they were to set out to speak about the Jewish religion and spread the knowledge and spirituality of Judaism. When I look at the prophets, I think of the 12 Disciples that were founded by Jesus Christ in the Christian religion.
Ultimately, there are strong resemblances to Christianity with Judaism, however the Jews only use the Old Testament of the Bible, better known to them as the Koran. Judaism is an interesting religion to say the least, and Christianity and Judaism have very strong relations, but they also have differences with different influential people, stories, and the passages that they follow. I have recently seen more of a personal account on my own of Judaism when I viewed the Passion of the Christ, and this article provided me with the information that I needed to understand the religion of Judaism better. Ultimately, the article was very knowledgeable and allowed me as the reader to better understand the religion as a whole.