Lose Weight While Reading This — and Other Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Face it. There are are only two ways to lose weight: eat less and exercise more, as in burn more calories than you eat. As much as we’d all like to believe the diet commercials and print ads about weight loss secrets and “lose 30 pounds in 30 days” promises, they just are not true. In order to truly lose weight and become more fit and healthy, it takes work, people. There are no magic potions, only a genuine and long-term commitment to change your life. And if these methods did work, then why are we still all seeking the next big weight-loss secret?
While it is true that certain diets may help you initially shed 2-10 pounds of water weight, these fad diets are just that: passing fads. As soon as you return to a normal eating schedule and menu, those pounds will come right back on, and sometimes you will gain back even more than you initially lost. For example, nobody can live without carbohydrates (think rice, cereal, bread, pasta) for the rest of their lives. It is not possible and it is not healthy.
In fact, any “diet” that relies solely on one food group, or eliminates one altogether is lacking in nutritional balance that the body needs to function.
Weight Loss Myth #1: If I skip meals, I will lose weight.
Fact: Skipping breakfast and eating only once a day will slow down your metabolism. Research shows that people who eat less times during the day will eat more in the evenings.
A Better Way: Eat four to five smaller meals.
Weight Loss Myth #2: Carbohydrates are bad. Complex carbohydrates like rice, potatoes and bread are not high in fat or calories, it’s the condiments we use that can add fat. it’s also the portions we eat, since it is easy to overeat these foods.
A Better Way: Eat a variety of foods from all food groups and eat in moderation.
Weight Loss Myth #3: Nonfat and low-fat foods are low in calories and sugar.
Fact: Many commercially-produced Nonfat and low-fat foods are actually higher in calories and sugar to make up for the missing fat.
A Better Way: Carefully compare the nutrition guidelines on the product to check for serving size, calories and sugar.
Weight Loss Myth #4: A grapefuit or celery diet will burn body fat.
Fact: There are currently no known foods that cause the body to burn fat when eaten.
A Better Way: Find time to exercise to burn extra calories and fat.
Weight Loss Myth #5: Instead of a diet pill, taking a natural or herbal supplement is a perfectly safe way to lose weight.
Fact: Even “natural” supplements may contain high dosages of caffeine or ephedra-like substances.
The bottom line on weight loss? When you want to trim your bottom stick to common sense and follow a healthy menu eating a variety of foods and exercise for at least one half hour each day.