Lost but Could Be Found

Everyone has lost someting one time or another.

In some instances the item is never recovered like when I lost a volunteer award or someone stole it – never was determined back in 2000.

At BoomerangIt.com, which began as a national bicycle registry and helped return many stolen or lost bikes to their owners, you can now try to find your items globally.

“The process is easy and efficient,” said Maria Holmes of BommerangIt in a recent article. “We match the registration and facilitate the return.”

BoomerangIt has become more popular over the years and currently has over one million members, said writer Nick Schaefer.

“When we first started the service, market research revealed that if people knew the system worked, they would use it,” said Holmes in the article. “It has absolutely been a success.”

Labels and tags come in a variety of packages starting at $9.95 according to literature.

BoomerangIt increases the likelihood that owners will retrieve their lost or stolen items, states Holmes.

The company recently teamed up with the National Crime Prevention Council to help prevent identity theft. BoomerangIt also offers a deluxe traveler’s pack for $20 for luggage and other items used while traveling. The company also helps businesses keep track of their inventory, supplies, and other items.

Law enforcement has heavy participation with the organization as well according to public relations materials.

A ten-year protection of items is included with membership.

Melissa, whose car was burglarized resulting in a her stereo being stolen, was able to find the item when the police contacted her after connecting her to the BoomerangIt label on the product.

The San Leandro, CA company also works with hotels, restaurants, and airports to recover lost or stolen items.

According to staff, BoomerangIt has over one million members.

“Technology has made finding information easier than ever thanks to Google and other search programs,” said Carrie Kirby, a writer. “One or two electronic devices seem to be perpetually missing in most households.”

According to Kirby, BoomerangIt has reunited owners with their lost or stolen possessions even when the items were thousands of miles away. If someone finds an item they can go to the website (BoomerangIt.com) or call the 800 number found on the non-removable sticker affixed to the object.

Todd Van Etten, a college student from LaFayette, CA left his dad’s digital camera in a taxi while he was in the Irish village of Westport but was able to find it through

“It kind of restores your faith in humanity,” said Van Etten who is now in his senior year at the University
of Vermont.

“It’s hard to believe anybody would use this (BoomerangIt),” said computer expert and writer Christopher St. John.

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