Love: The Key to Successfully Parenting Teenagers

Teenagers want their own money for clothes, a car, cellular phone, to impress people, jewerly and much more. They can gain money from their parents by doing chores.
Parents worry when their teenager have friends and want to be out alot. Parents should ask questions and be noisy but not noisy. The only way you will find out what your kid is doing is by asking. It is very important to bond with your child. Go out more often, go to movies and restraunts so you can talk. For mothers and daughters they can go to a salon together, a movie, clothes or go for walks. For dads and sons they can go minature golfing, hunting, hiking, camping or go to shows. As long as you are bonding than it is great because you are with each other. Children and teens who have positive relationships with their parents tend to have better academic outcomes. If you raise and love and spend so much time sometimes it helps them growing up.
It is a part of life raising a child to a teenager. These are the most important years they will remember. They reach out for love and attention. They reach their limits with their parents and try to get away with alot of things.
Teenagers must gain trust in order to be trusted. Set guidelines such as:
Family night out
Homework time
Set a limit on the phone chat
Set a limit for them to use the pc
Ask questions
Teenagers tend to lie for more lead. They think if they lie they can stay out longer or take advantage of a situation. You as the parent are the boss. Set rules and stick to them.
Plan a trip with the family to get away. They want to explore the world do why not go with them.
Some places to take them are:
New Hampshire
Maine- the mountains
New York- sight seeing
Skiing- N.H.
Florida-Disney World
Cruises- they take you anywhere you want to go
The biggest milestones in a teenagers life is when they go to high school, prom, date, go to college, sleepovers, and getting their license.
Teenagers follow in their parents footsteps. It is true. Some of them follow in their friends footsteps. If your teenager knows right from wrong then you are safe from worries. If your child is a daredevil then just have them becareful. Follow them more, ask the questions, never fear them. The only way to
understand them is by communicating with them. If you do not communicate then it can lead to a lack of trust. Without communication then there is not trust.
Love them, hold them and bond with them. They are your children growing up into fine people. Teenagers only learn from what they know. A parent’s role in career guidance is to provide direction and support. With these tools readily available, teenagers can have the confidence to go forward in that direction, taking the first step toward a fulfilling their career dreams in the future. You can only do your best with them. No teenager is perfect.