Lover’s Food for Thought

The Family Love Teacher is disturbed by today’s new trend of older couples falling out of love after their kids have grown and left home. He wants you to ask yourself these questions:

How much is a successful and lasting love relationship worth to you? How much do you hate being in a divorce court with your husband or wife? How much do you hate going to jail for domestic violence? How much do you hate the frustration of being in love with a person who does not reciprocate your love?

The Family Love Teacher is advocating for more education, because the more marital knowledge you possess, the smarter the decisions you will make. He is urging every man and woman of distinction to learn how to build a joyful family. Here are some of the mind-opening questions he pauses to his seminar attendees to enable them get an insider’s grasp of the causes of marital failure. He stirs your imagination before sharing with you the essential decision-making knowledge you need to protect your love relationship for life. See if you can answer the following questions:

1. If the couple truly loved each other so much before they wedded, why would they be cheating on each other, separating or divorcing?

2. If the couple truly loved each other, why would they opt for the toughest decision that hurts the innocent children they brought into this world? Why would they care less today than before they married? Why would they voluntarily place the pain of their mistakes on their innocent children, and make them miss out on the full-time parental love of both parents?

3. If they truly loved each other so much, why would they be unkind, unforgiving, and insensitive to each other, calling each other witch, bitch, or monster, to the extent of calling for a restraining order? If it was true love, why wouldn’t they forgive each other and agree to develop a friendly solution to whatever conflict they had?

4. Was it lust, an obsession, or fashion? If not, then what was it? Is true love temporary or it really lasts forever? What are the facts? Why are more than 50% of the marriages not lasting a lifetime? Did one partner change after their wedding, or s/he had pretended to be who s/he was not before the wedding? Is there a way one can influence a partner to change for better and not for worse? How would this be done?

5. How does one suddenly fall out of love? Is love comparable to a vehicle for easy illustration – that it runs out of gas and requires continuous refueling and service maintenance to keep it running smoothly? If so, what type of gas does it run on? What are the critical secrets of marital success to keep your love growing stronger? How does one develop these life-shaping habits?

If you can confidently answer all these questions, then the Family Love Teacher believes that you have enough understanding to secure your love relationship. If you cannot answer these questions, then he wants you to invest some quality time in learning these timeless principles and techniques taught in this indispensable workbook titled, “10 Steps to Success in Love and Marriage”, by Alex Mugume.

Alex is concerned that in this information age, many people are still making blind guesses and repeating these heartbreaking mistakes, and yet all the consequential secrets they need to know are detailed in this workbook. Every smart person who desires to be in a great love relationship owes themselves this superior wisdom. Stop at your nearest public library or good bookstore and get this gift of infinitely-useful knowledge. Don’t wait to wreck your love relationship. Get this unique knowledge today, and start applying the 16 success mindsets you need to make you a better spouse. Now is the best time to start protecting your precious love-life and family.

Alex Mugume is a detail-oriented and highly regarded Family Love Teacher. He is on a mission to build more joyful families, and make divorce and domestic violence plagues of the past. Learn more relationship tips at,

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