Low-Cost Marketing Strategies

Marketing. For many small businesses and organizations, the word marketing simply means an extra expense. While marketing can have it’s payoffs, its often too expensive for many new businesses or community organizations to afford. However, there are many low-cost (or even FREE) options to publicize everything from your garage band to a local bake sale.

Use the Web to your advantage
The internet is the BEST tool for cost-effective marketing. Not only does the world wide web reach millions of people worldwide, it provides thousands of opportunities for free marketing.

-Try using listservs or message boards related to your event to spread the word.

-Collecting e-mail addresses from fans and supporters provides you with a way to contact those who already know you and pass along the latest information, without paying for so much as a stamp. Be careful not to contact those on your list too often, or they’ll become annoyed or even block your e-mails.

-Many internet service providers and other sites like Yahoo provide free website hosting and site building tools. With a website, millions of those interested in your products can visit your website, and even place orders for your products. You’ll need to upgrade to higher level, although still inexpensive, packages to take advantage of features like shopping cart service or higher search term placement.

-Networking sites like MySpace.com instantly connect you with thousands of young consumers.

-Many radio and television websites offer free community event listing on their websites. Local newspapers often do the same in print.

Use your connections
-Word of mouth is a powerful tool. Pass along the word as often as possible, and ask others to do the same.

-Contact local groups you are familiar with and arrange to make a presentation or write an article about your business for their newsletter. Local churches and newsletters often offer advertising space at inexpensive costs.

-Consider trading services with other small businesses in your area. Exchange your landscaping services for printing services.

Think outside the box
These ideas barely skim the surface of inexpensive marketing ideas. Be a little creative and you’ll be well on your way to inexpensive and sucessful publicity.

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