Lower Your Cooling Bill by Installing Foil Under the Roof

Summer means high temperatures outside and the battle to keep it cool on the inside. Proper windows, attic fans, and a well-maintained air conditioner can help a little, but there are certainly other steps, some expensive, some not, that can help you reduce the amount you pay to cool the house.

When the sun is beating down, it beats the hardest on your roof. Dark colored roofing tiles can reach 150 degrees on an average summer day, and that means extra cooling costs for you. Radiant heat transfers from the roof to the ceiling below, raising the temperature in the room, and causing you to lower the thermostat setting. The lower your thermostat, the higher your bill.

Regular fiberglass insulation is what’s normally used in most homes for blocking heat and cold. The fiberglass is effective to some extent but not when it comes to preventing the transfer of very high temperatures, from roof to ceiling area. In truth, the insulation can trap heat, holding it in the ceiling for long periods of time.

Install reflective foil underneath the roof and you’ll be surprised at how cool your home will stay. The foil blocks the direct path from the roof to the ceiling. Attic ventilation is also a necessary part of keeping the house cool and cutting down cooling expenses. The ventilation will cool the roof and carry away some of the heat that gets trapped.

Installing the reflective foil can immediately lower upper room temperatures by 10 degrees or more. That’s without any adjustment to the thermostat settings. You’ll find the reflective foil at any home improvement store but it’s cheapest before the summer months.

The foil heats up, because of the sun beating down on the roof, but the shiny underside of the foil doesn’t easily radiate the heat. That means cooler attic, cooler ceiling, lower electrical bills. The foil comes in rolls of four foot sections that makes it easy to cut and install. Although similar to regular aluminum foil, the reflecting foil is reinforced with paper or mesh so that it won’t become detached from the attic roof. The shiny side should face down when installed. Staple the foil under the roof rafters, making sure to cover every part of the roof underside.

An alternative to the foil is to have the underside of the roof painted with a low-e paint. It looks like silver metallic paint and serves the same purpose as the reflective foil. It is painted onto the attic boards to lower heat transfer. If you are replacing the sheathing of the roof, you can purchase sheathing that has the foil already attached. This prevents you from having to add sheathing and separate reflective foil.

Visit your local home improvement stores to see if they have more information about the reflective foil. Some stores have brochures that explain how it works, how much you’ll need to buy, and even how to install it. Even though it’s somewhat of an expense to install the reflective foil, it’ll save you money in the long run.

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