Lower Your Energy UsageTo Save the Earth

If you have old light bulbs, replace them with the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. These (cfl) bulbs use less power. They last ten times longer, use only a �¼ of the energy an incandescent bulb uses and they are just as bright. You can save anywhere form thirty to fifty dollars over the life of a compact fluorescent light bulb.

Showers and baths account for 2/3rds of all household hot water heating costs. Take shorter showers and put a water proof timer in your shower. Showers should be no longer than five minutes. Shorter if possible. Install low-flow shower heads.

Refrigerators use up to 20% of the energy consumed in a home. Most people have there refrigerator set to be much colder than it needs to be. Turn your refrigerator thermostat down. Your refrigerator temperature should be set to about 37 degrees and the Freezer should be set to about 3 degrees. If it is an energy star product be sure to the energy saver switch is on. Also check the seals around the doors. Make sure the seals are tight and there are no cracks. If it is loose or you find cracks, replace with new seals.

Most residential hot water heaters are using way more energy than needed. People have them set way too hot. You do not need your hot water to be any hotter then 120 degrees. Lower the thermostat on your hot water heater to120 degrees F. For every 10 degree deduction you can save between 3%-5 % in energy costs. Be sure that your hot water heater is insulated. Consider upgrading to an energy star rated tank-less hot water heater.

Keep your house temperatures reasonable. Wear a sweater in the winter and lower your thermostat. Set your thermostat 2 degrees lower in the winter and 2 degrees higher in the summer. This will save you at least $98 a year. Install a programmable thermostat. Have the thermostat turn on when you are at home and turn off when you leave. Thermostats pay for themselves rather quickly.

Weatherize your home. Seal doors and windows to save cool air and heat loss from escaping. Use weather stripping around doors and caulk your windows. Check with your utility provider to see if they will do a home energy audit. They will tell you where your home is losing energy. These services are sometimes free or at a very low cost.

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