MGA Entertainment’s Little Bratz Cloe

Since the day my daughter discovered Bratz dolls, she has pretty much been obsessed. Barbie and friends were quickly put on the back burner when Sasha, Cloe, Jade, and Yasmine made their presence in our lives. Not that I am complaining. There are enough Barbie dolls and accessories around here to last us a lifetime. What I didn’t expect though was for the Bratz phenomenon to grow as big as it has. What started out as just cute dolls has turned into movies, c.d.s, lunch boxes, books, and even various sizes of the dolls. Which leads me to a particular Bratz doll that we have in our now ever growing collection. Along with the regular sized Bratz dolls and the Baby Bratz dolls, MGA Entertainment has also put Lil’ Bratz dolls into the mix. The first time my daughter spotted the miniature version of her beloved dolls, she was infatuated. We’ve now got the entire collection of the Lil’ Bratz (they’ve even added in a few new characters), but since Chloe is my favorite I will be reviewing her. We picked Chloe up at local Target store for 8.99.

All About Cloe

Lil’ Bratz Cloe is a miniature version of her usual 10 ” self. She’s now shrunk down to approximately 4 1/2 “. Being shorter does not take away from her cuteness though. In fact, she is even cuter in her pint sized version. Cloe is sporting an adorable outfit that is removable and can changed for other Lil’ Bratz clothing (only one extra set included). The outfit that she comes in is a denim colored jeans, with a black shirt and denim colored sleeves. Her black shoes can be snapped right off her legs (feet included in the shoes) and replaced with bright red high heel pumps whenever Cloe needs a night out (included). Also included is a few extras that Cloe just can’t live without, including a silver tote and a some extra clothing.

Cloe opted for a different hairstyle and has two long braids going down her back. She dabbed a little bit of lipstick and made sure her eyes were beautifully made up with mascara and shadow. Don’t worry though, all make up is actually painted on and can’t be removed (no stains to clean up).

Experiences with Cloe

Just like every other Bratz doll that has been in the hands of my daughter, Cloe has received ample attention. She was already out of her outfit and into her more provocative outfit within a few minutes of play. Even though Cloe is small, my four year old had no problems at all dressing and undressing her. The little velcro snaps work well and the clothing is made of sturdy cotton material (except the tote which seems to be made of rayon). The shoes are easy to snap on and off as well. However, this part of Miss Cloe I really do not care for. Her little shoes are well, little, meaning they can easily get lost. We’ve already went through the dreaded hassle of finding those little shoes a few times already and it is not fun.

With the addition of all her friends, my daughter in absolute love with Lil’ Bratz . She remarks frequently how pretty Cloe’s hair is and plays with her all the time. Lil’ Bratz receive a lot more play time and attention than their bigger version selves, and they are sturdy little girls that have not broken once. Now that Baby Bratz has arrived, Lil’ Bratz aren’t played with as much, but they are still used at times as “big sisters” to the Baby Bratz (which by the way are bigger than them).

Recommended ?

I absolutely recommend Cloe. Not only is she adorable, but she is a well made doll. She has also lightened up many days around. Cloe has given me a break so many times that I feel like I should be paying her as a sitter. If I had to buy Cloe all over again, I certainly would. My little one would agree as well.

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