Macro Wellness Factor VII

Macro Wellness Factor VII

This concept is derived from attitudinal changes based on challenging experiences as a human being living in a modern day society. It is a journey without a destination, taking into consideration that we are all here on a path. By coincidence, some of us may end up on a similar path, but may have taken different journeys to arrive there. This concept is a big-picture, universal, dynamic but constant idea that encompasses the spiritual, physical, mental, business and financial health required for wholistic and joyous living.

Macro Wellness Factor VII was formulated by Lorna Wright based on her challenges and obstacles and the realization that the day-to-day choices made can assist in achieving the ideas that form the basis for wholistic living. It is a journey, not a destination, and this journey helps to connect or reconnect with nature, others, and the pure fact that we are born in the image of God and should embrace our importance and uniqueness as Stars of the Universe.

Now, in reading the above, you are invited to join us on this path. One of the actions taken is to provide information about natural and environmentally-friendly products, ideas to help people achieve the highest potential towards which they aspire and help them shine as the Stars that they are. In so doing, we are shine!!

I have tried this product and I am not an easy person to convince. My testimonial is: It works for me. Try it and see if it will work for you.

Macro Wellness Factor VII. Join this network and add your ideas and businesses, products and services that enhance human life and nurture the spirit. I will also share as I select other life-enhancing products and services. Email

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