Magazines and Publications to Sell Your Georgia Based Articles To

Local articles are generally hard to place in national publications, but they are very much in demand in regional publications. If you have a great Georgia based article that is in need of a home, then there are six great local magazines that are waiting for it. Contact them via email, by their online submission guidelines contact, or via phone to see what you will need to do to comply with their policies.

Atlanta Magazine
260 Peachtree Street, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30303
Circulation of 69,000
Pays on Acceptance

Atlanta Magazine is interested in nonfiction general interest, profiles, and travel pieces that are 1500-5000 words, novel excerpts and short stories that are 1500-5000 words, and fillers that are 75-175 words in length. Founded in 1961, Atlanta Magazine is one of the oldest city magazines in the country.

Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine
Black Atlanta’s Business and Politics
L&L Communications
875 Old Roswell Rd, Suite C-100
Roswell, GA 30076
Circulation of 30,000
Pays on Publication

Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine is interested in nonfiction book excerpts, how-to, interviews, new products, opinion, and technical pieces that are 1400-2500 words in length. Writers Guidelines for Atlanta Tribune can be found here:

Georgia Backroads
Legacy Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 127
Roswell, GA 30077
Circulation of 18,861
Pays on Publication

Georgia Backroads is interested in nonfiction historical, how-to, interview, photo features, and travel pieces. They are also a market for fiction in the field of novel excerpts. Georgia Backroads is an award-winning glossy, four-color magazine published each March, June, September and December.

Georgia Magazine
Georgia Electric Membership Corp.
P.O. Box 1707
Tucker, GA 30085
Circulation of 460,000
Pays on Publication

Georgia Magazine is interested in nonfiction general interest, historical, how-to, humor, photo feature, and travel pieces that are 800-1000 words in length. GEORGIA Magazine is published monthly by Georgia Electric Membership and is the largest circulation monthly magazine in Georgia.

Know Atlanta Magazine
New South Publishing
1303 Hightower Trail, Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30350
Circulation of 192,000
Pays on Publication

Know Atlanta Magazine is interested in nonfiction general interest, how-to, interview, photo feature, and personal experience pieces that are 1000-2000 words in length. KNOWAtlanta is published quarterly (Winter – January, Spring – April, Summer – July, and Fall – October) by New South Publishing, a multi-magazine publishing house. Copies are available through their corporate HR directors of relocating companies, from area Realtors, and at select newsstands in the Metro Atlanta area

Points North Magazine
All Points Interactive Media Corp
568 Peachtree Pkwy
Cumming, GA 30041-6820
Circulation of 90,000
Pays on Publication

Points North Magazine is interested in nonfiction general interest, historical, interview, and travel pieces that are 1200-2500 words in length. Free copies are available at almost 900 locations, including the retail establishments such as North Point Mall, Perimeter Mall, Mall of Georgia and Phipps Plaza. They target readers who range in age from 30 to 55, live in homes valued at $500,000 or more, and travel frequently

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