Major League Baseball Websites

It’s never too early or too late in the season to check out great baseball websites. As any fan knows, the baseball season may end with the World Series, but that’s when the “hot stove” starts heating up with news of trades and releases. Baseball websites abound on the internet. Here are some places where fans can enjoy their favorite sport in the heat of play or in the off-season.

The mother of all sports TV networks has a website, obviously. Here you can find up-to-the-minute news on off-season deals and intrigue. During the season, you can catch box scores, check stats and standings, and of course, get the insights of all the sports commentators, because what’s baseball without all those chuckleheads? And don’t forget the fantasy leagues.

Major League Baseball: Official Site (
This is where the fun starts. The offical site of the majors has a lot to offer baseball fans. From a section devoted entirely to fantasy baseball, to a forum allowing fans to spout (baseball fans? NeverâÂ?¦), the site also has tons of news, video and other multimedia like “game day audio” and a bunch of games you can play if work is boring. There’s also a pull down list of official team sites. There are also links to MLB-related sites (like for the press, the minors, and Spanish-reading audiences).

Baseball Hall of Fame ( Here’s the site for the National Baseball Hall of Fame. If you can’t get to Cooperstown, here’s the next best thing. The site includes links to the research library, exhibits, the gift shop (of course) and news about the Hall. It also has a special section to help fans plan their Cooperstown trip.

Baseball Almanac (
This site is almost too big too describe! The frequently updated site is chock full of baseball history, trivia, and facts. It’s got movie and book reviews, stats, including a “record book”, rules, and on and on and on. Attendance charts, blogs, essays, polls, message boards. All very neatly organized.

Major League Baseball Players Association (
This may be connected to the site above, since they’re both MLB, but don’t you always sort of want to know what the heck is going on with the players? This site bills itself as “the player’s choice” and includes usual stuff: news, stats, fantasy links, but also has links about licensing and contracts, and a special link for the Player’s Magazine, which covers interviews with MLB players.

Sports Illustrated Online (
Remember that ad “Sports Illustrated? I love SI?” Do people really call this magazine SI? In any case, the online site has more baseball info than you can shake a stick at. Baseball is included in their “up to the minute, comprehensive sports coverage” include scores, stats and news, plus, you get columnist John Donovan “Inside Baseball”.

Ballparks of Baseball: The Fields of Major League Baseball (
This is a cool and comprehensive site for field nuts who can check out major and minor league parks here, including seating charts, “park news” and attendance stats. There’s also info for anyone planning a “park road trip” And who isn’tâÂ?¦somedayâÂ?¦” The site doesn’t just cover present parks but parks of the past like Ebbets Field (that was an obvious one) and Jarry Park (Montreal Expos, I may be the only person who caresâÂ?¦). There’s also a section called “Ball Park Experiences” contributed by readers or people connected to the site (?), where people rate the parks. Fenway got an A. Need I say more about the astuteness of the reviewers?

Abolish The DH (
I’m sorry, but, how funny is it that this site exists? Pretty funny. There’s an (inactive) petition and an historical look at the rule allowing the DH. David Ortiz, I wouldn’t worry.

John Skilton’s Baseball Links (
If you think you’re reading a great list of baseball sites now, check out this guy’s page for a real list! There are links to minor and major league teams, rotisserie leagues, news, stats, international ball, and all other kinds of baseball fun and games. A starting point for serious baseball fans to look up current facts or any type of baseball research!

USAToday Stat Index (
This USAToday site puts many baseball facts and figures right at your finger tips. Want to know AL or NL stats for hitting, pitching, scoring, in the last fifteen years or so? It’s right there. USAToday section links are also provided so you can also check out current games, player stats, box scores and play fantasy league. There’s also a salary database. Don’t depress yourself!

Interactive BaseballRules (
Quiz yourself on the ins and outs of America’s passtime at this site which has rules set up in a game format so you can test yourself as you learn. Special section for umpires.

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