Make A Custom Scrabble Word Table

One table brings together orphan Scrabble tiles.

When combing through a garage sale recently, writer/photo stylist Claire Miers stumbled across several used Scrabble sets.

“A woman sitting on a tattered lawn chair called out, ‘Yeah, those are missing some pieces.’ Who could turn down a pitch like that? I figured that I could put all the Scrabble pieces into one large jar and send it to the cabin with a game board. It turned out there were plenty of letter tiles in each box. A mosaic made of Scrabble tiles hides a split in the table, turning a piece of broken furniture into a work of art,” she said. “If you want to make a similar table, take time to enjoy playing with the words.”

Miers said if you want to make a similar table, take time to enjoy playing with the words.

“I did the edges first and worked my way toward the center to establish an organized, clean edge for the table,” she said. “Also, I decided not to grout the tabletop, so I had to make sure that the Scrabble pieces fit close together. Once you get a pattern laid out, glue the pieces down.”

Miers said to finish you have several options: grout the spaces between tiles, apply a clear coat of polyurethane to seal the top, or just leave it natural.

“My table is a great accent piece in the den,” she said.

Miers recommended if you don’t find plenty of Scrabble tiles on the cheap consider this: A new game usually costs about $12.00.

“Board games provided so much entertainment in my childhood so I just couldn’t bear leaving them to get dusty in the bottom of a cupboard,” said Cat Morley. “Use game pieces as beads to make yourself unique jewelry such as Scrabble necklaces, puzzle piece earrings, Monopoly house earrings, and Domino bracelets.”

Morley said dice are easy to turn into beads and there are so many uses for them.

“Alternatively, change the way you use your games with a Scrabble wall message board, chess mat tote bag, board game table, or crossword puzzle table,” she said.

Whether you use rocks, buttons, marbles, game pieces, shells, tile, pieces of a mirror, glass, or china you can make your own mosaic garden in just one weekend using tools you already have on hand:

1. Choose a simple base.
2. Cut the tiles/game pieces using tile nippers. Always wear close-fitting rubber gloves and safety glasses.
3. Mix mortar according to package directions. Make sure mortar and grout are weather-proof.
4. Apply mortar to each piece with a knife or Popsicle stick, and then press the piece lightly into place. Try to avoid having mortar ooze out from underneath. Leave enough room between the pieces for grout. Let mortar dry for about eight hours.
5. Mix grout according to package directions. Push in grout between tile pieces with a rubber spatula. When all crevices are filled, let grout set for about 20 minutes then use a damp sponge to remove any excess.
6. Allow finished product to dry for 24-48 hours; remove any remaining surface grout with a rag, or if necessary, use fine steel wool.

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