Make Artificial Trees for Interior Decor

Fake trees not only add beauty to homes but they fill vast, empty space with greenery and elegance. The trees aren’t difficult to make but it can take some time to make them right. The first thing you need is a small limb from a real tree. The limb should be about four feet tall but can be slightly shorter or taller, depending upon your needs. The limb should also be no more than a couple of inches in diameter. You can also make a grouping of trees, in the same pot, for added fullness. Use two or three of the branches together.

Clean the limbs well, scraping off loose bark. Limbs with little or no bark are even better, like from a birch tree. Spray the limbs with clear-coat sealer. To hold the trees in place, in a pot, purchase spray insulation and spray it into the pot, surrounding the tree limb bottoms. When it has dried arrange silk greenery to cover the insulation.

At a silk plant store choose a bunch of branches that are all the same. The branches should be lightweight and have plastic limbs. Try to choose silk plants, rather than plastic ones, which won’t look as impressive as the silk versions. It’s helpful if you look at books of plants, magazines featuring silk trees, or something similar. When you find one you like take the picture to the store and try to find similar groups of leaves.

Use a drill with a tiny drill bit to drill holes, here and there, on the tree. Make sure you drill the holes at somewhat of a downward angle so they don’t stick straight up. You can also use a hammer and a nail to make the holes for the leaves. It’s important to stagger the leaf sets around and down the tree. It’s also important to place them fairly close together, so the tree will look full. If you place them too close together, however, the leaves may look too crowded and unnatural. In addition, placing the holes really close can mean disaster if you drill a new hole too close to a previous hole and the wood splits.

Dip the ends of the limbs with leaves into contact cement then position it on the tree. It may be necessary to tape the limb in place until dry. Start from the bottom and work your way to the top for best results. When you get to the top drill a hole directly in the center of the tree limb. Place a group of limbs with leaves in the hole and allow them to arc outward and downward.

The limbs with leaves should not go all the way to the bottom of the main stalk. Instead, stop about 10″, or more, from the top of the pot. Choose silk ivy plants to fill the pot and cover the insulation. You should be able to simply stick the limb ends into the insulation but you can use a dab of contact cement to secure.

Smaller versions of the trees can be made using a smaller tree limb and smaller silk leaf sets. The smaller plants are great for bathrooms, sundecks and around the house. If you have mild weather you can set the trees outside. The homemade trees are great for gift-giving, business decor, home decor, exterior decor or just as a beautiful addition to your den.

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