Make Halloween Handprint Spiders

When it comes to crafts, quick and easy are always a hit. Here is an easy and simple Halloween craft that is fun to make and is a big hit with the kids.

This one is very easy and you probably already have everything you need around the house. If not, the items needed are cheap and easy to find. These spiders are a great craft to do with kids of all ages – it combines their desire to get a little messy with creepy fun for Halloween.

To start with, lay down newspapers on your work surface, or better yet – go outside (as long as it’s not windy).

This project can be done using any type of base: paper (craft paper, brown paper sacks or construction paper), fabric (light-colored felt, muslin or canvas would be best), or plastic (a plastic zipper bag). I had an old, plastic pull-down shade that had broken and I had saved it. Any type of base will work, but what works best of all is a base that is stiff and thick enough to not flop around or fold. If you plan to hang the spiders on a wall or a bulletin board, it won’t matter. If you want to hang your spiders from the ceiling, you’ll need stiff material such as canvas, or heavy paper.

Lay your base material down on top of the covered surface.

Pour craft paint into a paper plate. Any color can be used, but I used black for mine.

Have each person who will be making a spider place one hand in the paint (be sure to hold the thumb up so it doesn’t get paint on it – just the palm and four fingers need paint) – move it around to get plenty of paint on the hand. Then gently place the painted hand on the paper/fabric/plastic with fingers slightly spread and the thumb up. Repeat with the other hand. Place the second hand so the palm overlaps the palm from the first handprint.

Allow to dry then cut out. Decorate the spider with paint, sequins, glitter – whatever suits you. You can create a face, eyes, shapes, etc. on your spider. You can write your name on the body. Be creative!

After the spider has completely dried, use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the spider’s body then tie black string or yarn to hang the spider. Make several spiders and hang them from the ceiling, on the wall, on a mirror, from the porch railing or ceiling. Put craft magnets on the back and put them on the refrigerator.

If you want to hang the spiders outside, use plastic for the foundation then spray lightly with clear spray paint to seal the paint.

These spiders are fun and the kids are sure to love them!

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