Make Home Made Snow

I woke up this morning and looked at my outdoor thermometer. My outdoor thermometer said the temperature was a whopping -15 degrees. It was cold outside. Colder then I care for and we only have 2 inches of snow. For me that is great news but for some people like small children the absence of snow can make winter long. Kids love to play in the snow. You can’t make a snowman or a snow fort without snow. So it reminded me that if it is cold enough outside you can make your own pile of snow. Making your own homemade snow can be a fun project in itself. It can be fun to experiment while making your home made snow to see what kind of snow you can make and how you make it. You can look at all the individual snow flakes and compare them.

To make a pile of home made snow all you need is cold weather and hot water and a container such as a pail. It has to be cold outside for the snow to form. Heat the water to boiling and put it in a metal container such as a small pail. Don’t put too much water in the pail at a time or you will get ice globs instead of snow crystals. Dress warmly and go outside with your hot water. Throw the hot water into the air at an angle so that when the water comes down it will not hit you or anyone else. As the hot water comes down it will form into ice crystals. If you keep doing this in the same spot you will eventually get a pile of snow to play in.

Make sure you don’t hit anyone or yourself with the falling water when you do this. And pick a spot where it is a good place to have snow. A driveway is a bad place and so is a sidewalk. A nice spot in the yard that doesn’t get used much is a good spot to make a home made snow pile.

Making your own home made snow can be a fun science experiment to do to learn how snow is made from water. The home made snow you make will be a dry snow that is not that good for packing right away but when the weather starts to warm up the home made snow will be better for packing. If may take a warm up in the weather before the snow will be good to make a snowman with.

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