Make Your Home Greener and Healthier

Home is more than shelter. It is where families are raised, meals are cooked, dreams are had and memories are made. People take so much time and care to keep their houses clean and neat looking, both on the inside and the out, but many never stop to consider the harmony that their homes are in with their surroundings. The home, much like human beings, is no longer isolated from the outside world. People work from home, they shop from home, they are entertained in their home. Suddenly the house in the suburbs is as connected to the common grounds of a wi-fi enabled outside park in the city. It is time to start thinking of the “inside” world of your home along similar guidelines that shared spaces are thought of. Everyone seems to like a green and lush public garden; how about making your home green and lush with eco-friendly home improvements?

The environment is at risk from too many automobiles and combustion engines running constantly all over the planet. They emit carbon due to burnt up fossil fuels which dirties up the air and does a myriad of other harmful things to the climate and human health. But, combustion engines and automobiles home is more than shelter. It is where families are raised, meals are cooked, dreams are had and memories are made. People take so much time and care to keep their houses clean and neat looking, both on the inside and the out, but many never stop to consider the harmony that their homes are in with their surroundings. The home, much like human beings, is no longer isolated from the outside world. People work from home, they shop from home, and they are entertained in their home. Suddenly the house in the suburbs is as connected to the common grounds of a Wi-Fi enabled outside park in the city. It is time to start thinking of the “inside” world of your home along similar guidelines that shared spaces are thought of. Everyone seems to like a green and lush public garden; how about making your home green and lush with eco-friendly home improvements?

In homes, the amount of wasted electricity can be enormous. Despite business buildings being massive and filled with electrical appliances, many businesses have caught on to the cost benefits of maintaining a more energy efficient policy of how they use electricity. Home owners or renters may see the high costs of utility bills, but usually complaints result instead of the cause-effect connection that would help energy and money to be saved.

Renewable energy technology has been developed in great leaps and bounds since its initial inception, but the first step in helping to reduce carbon emissions from electricity is to minimize the waste of electricity.

Insulate: Homes with proper insulation require far less energy to heat and cool. There are eco-friendly foam insulations available that can reduce heating costs dramatically as well as not emit ecologically harmful chemicals into the air or into your home

Turn Off The Lights: Timed lighting is a great way to reduce on electric costs. It is a natural habit for many people to forget to turn the lights or appliances off after using them. Timed switches or automatic power-off switches are becoming more popular regarding electronics.

Out with the Incandescents: Incandescent light bulbs are a thing of the past. High efficiency light bulbs burn brighter and use a fraction of the electricity. Also they last longer, which saves from the question, “how many ecologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

Check with the Tax Man: Local governments are making big strides to encourage ecological home improvements. Some states are even giving tax benefits to homeowners and business owners to clean and green up their act.

Making the home you reside in greener is just a step in the right direction, which will hopefully lead you towards living a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Thinking globally and acting locally is the best way to make a noticeable difference and knowing that the place you sleep and reside in day-to-day is a great reminder that no man or woman is an island.


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