Make Your Own Affordable Fleece Bedding

To save money making this bedding try buying fleece blankets on sale as summer approaches. You can sometime find great fleece blankets in a king or queen size for about $20. I find them at major department stores for that price all the time. Target also carries a great selection of fleece blankets. Buy the largest size possible to help cut down on costs. You can always use any leftover material for another great craft project!
To Make You Own Fleece Bedding You Will Need:
Fleece material
Sewing machine
Tape Measure
Flat work surface (the floor will work!)
Straight Pens
Ok, so the first step is to either look for the tag on your existing bedding that see what the size is or to us your tape measure to measure your existing comforter.
Now, cut out two large squares that match those dimensions. I like to add about four inches to the length and width one of this large piece of fleece. This will allow for any room lost on the material while you are sewing the duvet. For the second piece of fleece material add on about 6 inches to the length and the standard four inches to the width.
Tip: If you have to buy fleece by the yard and it is not wide enough you can sew the long pieces together. Plan ahead went you do this though. You can put one strip of fleece in the middle and then sew two outer pieces for material on to make the large square size you will need.
This is also a great way to make a fleece duvet cover that has multiple colors.
Now, take the slightly price of fleece and lay it flat out on your floor. Decide which are the top and the bottom of the piece. Cut a straight line about 7 inches down from the top. This should be a horizontal cut that runs the width of the material.
Now, take the smaller seven inch strip and hem one side the entire way. Simply fold the material over about an inch and sew it down.
Now, hem the top of the larger piece that was left after you made the cut.
Now, lay out the other piece of fleece bedding, the originally one that is four inches longer and wider. Lay it face up, with the front of the fleece facing up.
Now, Place your small strip face down on the first piece. Place the hem side so it is closer to the bottom and the two rough edges lien up at the top.
Use straight pins to pin all three sides of these fleece ices together.
Now, lay down the larger hemmed piece of fleece you cut. Place the hemmed edge so that it just overlaps the other hemmed piece. Overlap them about two inches.
Now, use the straight pins to pine all three sides of these fleece material together.
Now, use your sewing machine to sew around all four sides of the fleece duvet cover.
Cut off any lose threads.
Turn your fleece duvet cover inside out and then insert you existing comforter.
Repeat this exact same process on your pillows to create a fleece sham to match your duvet cover!