Make Your Own Ball Jar Canner Organizer

Wire racks from canners can often be found at flea markets for a cheap price. You can also order replacement racks – which aren’t exactly cheap – or you can sometimes find them at online auction sites. Another way to get an extra rack, if you don’t have one, is to fashion one using the rack you currently have for a pattern, and some craft wire. Paint the rack any color or leave it as-is. Today’s metallic paints in colors like pink, blue, gold or even bronze give the rack a trendy look.
Set Ball jars or Mason jars in the wire rack, as you normally would while canning, but without the rings and lids, and your organizer is completed. The handle of the canner rack, which is actually two handles, can be used to lift the rack and set it wherever you want. When the organizer is where you want it, simply lower the handles out of the way.
The Ball jar organizer makes a great gift. Fill the jars with various items for a desk, dry ingredients for recipes, small hardware pieces, tiny toys, candy, stickers, craft items, seasonal items, a selection of collectibles from your travels, or just fill the jars with coffee or cocoa. Screw the lids on tightly and wrap the canning rack with a beautiful ribbon. Attach a card that tells how to, when the contents are gone, use the jars for an organizer.
Set a Mason jar organizer in the bathroom to hold earrings, makeup brushes, combs, toothbrushes and toothpaste, razors, and other small items. Use one of the organizers in the kitchen to hold assorted utensils. Still another can be used in the bedroom to hold change, tie clips, wallet (it fits between the jars), and other personals.
The Ball jar organizer is a fantastic addition to a craft or sewing room, too. Since you can carry it around easily, it’s perfect for holding scissors, small measuring sticks, sewing machine accessories, pens and more.
Instead of an organizer, use the jars with lids and wire rack to make a memento of a trip. Fill one jar with sand and shells, one with a travel brochure picture that’s curved to fill the jar, one with an edible treat from that area, and so forth. You’ll enjoy making the easy organizer or memento and the recipient will love it.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design