Make Your Own Body and Home Scents

Scents for your body or for your home can be easily made and stored in decorative containers for your own personal use or as a gift. One quick and easy way to make bath salts is to fill a bowl with Epsom salt and shave a perfumed bar of soap into the mix. Stir well and place in decorative container.

Bath oil blends that are suitable for most skin types require simple ingredients: pour an ounce and a half of olive oil into a jar or container with lid. Add 3 oz almond oil, an ounce of sesame oil, an ounce of canola oil and a half ounce of wheat germ oil. Cap tightly and shake gently. Use an ounce for each bath. Make this recipe in several different decanters then add a few drops of essential oils in each bottle to make an assortment of different aroma therapy bath oils.

Scented body oil softens skin especially hands and feet. Mix a half cup safflower oil, a half cup sweet almond oil, a half cup dried rose petals, 2 sprigs of larkspur, 6 drops of vitamin E oil and 6 drops of rose essential oil. Combine all ingredients in a decorative, clear container. The flowers can be eliminated, if necessary, since they are strictly decorative.

Make potpourri for your home by combining a cup of red rose petals, a half cup of pink rose petals, a half cup of white rose petals, a quarter cup of chamomile flowers, a half cup of crushed statice in blue or white, a quarter cup of eucalyptus leaves, a quarter cup of oak moss and a couple dozen drops of rose oil. Stir everything except the rose oil in large bowl, gently. Drop in rose oil and stir gently once again. Line a brown paper bag with wax paper and place the mixture in the bag. Seal bag well and place in a cool, dark area for a couple of weeks. Once a day shake the mix well without opening the bag. After a couple of weeks place in a bowl or vase. If you lack enough flower petals to make the potpourri try using shaved wood and tiny pine cones as fillers that will contain the scent as well.

A different potpourri is made by combining a dozen marigold blossoms, a half dozen geranium leaves, a half dozen rose blossoms, 2 tsp dried lavender, 2 tsp orrisroot and 2 drops rose oil. Combine all ingredients and allow to dry in a brown paper bag for a couple of days before placing in a glass dish or wicker basket. The potpourris can also be wrapped in small sections of lace or netting and tied shut with a ribbon to use as sachets for drawers or car.

A very simple recipe for making scents for yourself, your bed linens, or a room is to use distilled water with your favorite essential oil scent. Simply add 6 drops of essential oil to 4 oz of distilled water. To make the fragrance last longer add 2 oz of rubbing alcohol. The alcohol formula is not best for body use since it can sting cuts or get in eyes. Add lavender essential oil for bed linen refresher or lemon oil for room refresher. Use orange essential oil to refresh the kitchen. Spray it on a sponge and wipe down counters. Essential oils come in many fragrances and it only takes a few drops to produce an aromatic scent.

Use leftover perfumes to make a room spray that is unique. Fill bottle with a small amount of perfume then add water or alcohol which will lessen the strength of the scent. Use on linens or around the bedroom or bath. Spray on a piece of lace and hang in car. Add more spray when needed.

Leftover perfumes also make great hand softeners or bath salts. Spread an amount of Epsom salts onto a piece of newspaper. Spray with perfume and allow to dry. Now spray with baby oil and allow to dry. Place the mixture in a decanter for tub use or a bowl with lid for sink use. The Epsom salts and baby oil combine to give you soft skin and the perfume makes it wonderfully scented.

Melt paraffin and remove from heat. Add leftover perfume or essential oils and pour into an old metal ice tray, sprayed with non-stick spray. After wax cools remove the cubes, wrap in lace or netting and place in drawers or on shelves for a scented air freshener. Plastic ice trays work well, too, as long as you let the wax cool considerably before pouring it.

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