Make Your Own Halloween Maze for Children Out of Large Boxes

You can then take all of theses large boxes and form a maze out of them. You can cut the end pieces off of the boxes and take them together with clear shipping tape. You can even cut out passage ways on the side of the box to make your maze vier off of track. The more boxes that you can find the better the maze will be. It’s best to do the maze in the dark when it comes to little children.
You can place different things inside of the maze as well. You can place fake spiderwebs inside of the boxes and you can cut a hold in the box and hang spiders on the inside. There is a really an unlimited amount of things you can do with your maze as long as you can find boxes that are big enough. I would suggest calling around to all of the places that have big appliances and furniture. Usually all of the appliances will arrive to them in a large box which they will throw away.
If you have their permission to come in and take all the boxes they are going to throw away a few months in advance you will probably have around 100 boxes or so which would be plenty to make a large maze. It’s really not worth making a maze if you only have a few boxes. These boxes will be very large though so you will probably need to bring a truck in order to pick up the boxes unless you decide that you are going to smash the boxes down to a size that will fit into your vehicle.
Have fun and enjoy doing this maze. All of the kids will be very excited and somewhat scared when they enter the maze. You will have a good time making it and it will pay off in the end. Remember to buy some type of tape to hold the boxes together good. When it comes time to put the boxes away you can lay them flat and keep them around for next year and do it all over again.