Make Your Own Magnetic Earrings

Not only are magnets good for you – many people claim they cure everything from headaches to arthritis – but they’re also good for making quick magnetic earring sets. You’ll find everything you need at a craft store for making magnetic earrings.

Metallic beads and chains can be found by the hundreds in the jewelry-making aisle of a craft store. They come in specific shapes, like triangles or circles, animal images like turtles or bunnies, and other shapes like rainbows or tepees.

In a different department, you’ll find magnets of all shapes and sizes. The small, round ones are perfect for handmade earrings. Purchase these “button” magnets to use on the back of the lobe, for holding the metal earring piece in place.

There’s lots of other magnetic earring designs you can do besides just putting a magnet on the back and a metal piece on the front. Thread a tiny chain through the hole of a metal bead and attach other tiny trinkets to the ends of the chain.

Clump tiny ball bearings together by first placing one magnet and one ball bearing on opposite sides of the lobe. Add more ball bearings to the front, then, for a different look. If you purchase b-b’s, they come in silver or bronze types.

You’ll find some cute trinkets to wear as earrings when you look through the scrapbook department of a store. For example, you’ll find bitty little picture frames, in various shapes, that make for unique earrings. Or, browse a hardware store for other ideas. You’ll even find lots of metallic pieces at a home improvement store – originally meant to be screwed onto wooden pieces.

The earrings don’t have to look metallic, though. Purchase a tiny round flat disc at a hardware store, then use contact cement to glue on rhinestones or beads. As long as the earring back is metal, the magnets will hold it to your ears.

The wonderful thing about magnetic earrings is that you don’t have to have pierced ears to wear them. Since they go on so easily there’s no poking around trying to get a wire through the lobe hole. And, since you can easily and inexpensively make them yourself, you’ll have dozens of new pairs with little invested.

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