Make Your Own Plant Stands

A similar plant stand is made from bowls and plates. Turn a plate upside-down, then glue a bowl upside-down, on the plate, and continue this pattern until the plant stand is as tall as you’d like. This is a nice assembly for a kitchen plant. For smaller plants use saucers and cups in the same manner. Another idea is to use a large plastic bowl, turned upside-down, as a plant stand for a medium plant. Decorate the bowl with ceramic fruits or veggies.
Fill a fish bowl with colorful marbles, smooth rocks, shells – whatever you choose. Fill it all the way to the top and then cover the opening with a butter bowl lid. Glue the lid in place and paint. Now turn the fish bowl upside-down to hold a plant. This is very pretty in the bathroom.
Use a piece of thick but pliable plastic to make a plant stand for your bathroom. Lay out a hand towel and place the plastic on it. The plastic should be slightly smaller than the towel. Fold the long edge of the towel over the long edge of the plastic, on both sides. Now roll the entire creation into a log-shape, with the two long ends just touching each other. Hold closed while you use any decorative ribbon or rope to gather and tie the ends of the towel. This will cause the towel and plastic to hold the log-shape. At the top now is a slit which will allow you to open the holder far enough to insert several small plants, side-by-side.
For a front porch why not glue, nail or screw four shutters together, forming a tall box-shape. Use a flat wooden piece for the top – something like a cutting board. Glue or otherwise attach it to the top of the shutter arrangement. The stand can then be painted like your own shutters, or even left natural, for a homey look to porch decor. The stand can also be used indoors.
Any log that stands straight and upright makes a beautiful plant stand. Birch is especially nice since it has no large bark pieces that may fall. Other logs are perfect for holding a plant that stands on your porch. If you have the means to scoop out a log it can hold several plants and looks really nice.
A cinder block is a nice plant stand that will hold a few small plants but first cover it in thick fabric. Corduroy or denim are great choices for covering the block. Wrap it as you would a present using hot glue to secure. A brick can be done the same way but makes a very small stand.
For a bedroom try gluing the lids on a couple of shoe boxes and stacking them. You can paint them or leave them as-is.
After the holidays don’t throw away those huge popcorn tins. After they’re empty simply set a plant on top. Or, upholster the can quickly and easily. Use quarter-inch foam to wrap around the can then wrap again in a nice fabric. Make a top by simply gluing on a thin pillow or making one of your own. Trace the shape of the tin opening onto a piece of fabric. Cut two pieces. Use fabric glue or stitching to almost close the pillow, leaving a small opening to stuff. Stuff the pillow but not full. It should be almost flat but have a little padding. Close the pillow by gluing or stitching shut. Attach to the top of the can for a very unique plant holder. Other things you can do in this same manner is a tin coffee can, an old hat box, or even a cardboard 55 gallon drum.
An pole lamp makes a great plant holder, especially the ones that have several lights all on the same pole. Just make or purchase plant hangers and hang the plants on each globe end. A spring-loaded shower curtain rod works in the same manner. To get the plants to stay on the naked pole simply glue curtain rings to the pole and allow to dry well. Hang the plants on the hooks but try not to choose really heavy plants.
Place a plant in a wicker basket than use another upside-down one that matches to hold the original plant. This is a unique look for anyplace in your home. Other ideas for unique plant stands include an old child’s rocker, a rock with a flat top, an rectangular wooden speaker, an egg crate, an old tricycle, a wagon of any size or even a stepladder. There are many things you can use to make a plant stand and sometimes, if you hit on just the right idea, you’ll have a one-of-a-kind treasure that others will admire.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design