Make Your Own Puzzles – It’s Simple and Inexpensive

For less than $10 you can make a great educational puzzle your child will love. All you need to make a puzzle is a US map, some foam board (found in nearly all stores that sell poster board), either spray adhesive or paper glue, and a pair of sharp scissors.

First you will cut the map into the puzzle’s “pieces”. In this particular case we will be cutting the individual states apart right along the borders. Once all of the states are separated you will need to adhere them to your foam board. If you are using a spray adhesive be sure to read and follow the directions on the can. If you prefer using paper glue that will work just as well. Paper glue should be available in craft stores. It is made especially for gluing paper down and is not the same thing as school glue, white glue or craft glue.

When the adhesive has completely dried you will need to cut the states out again. Although foam board is thicker than poster board it can be cut with either a craft knife or sharp scissors. Once all of your state puzzle pieces have been cut, your new educational puzzle is ready for use.

This is only one idea for making your own puzzles. This same technique can be used in many other ways too. You can use more educational themed puzzles or make some just for fun. Staying with the map idea, you can easily turn any map into a puzzle. Divide a world map by countries or regions. Split a state map by dividing the counties. You could also use any variety of pictures to make your own puzzle. In some cases you may find it easier to glue the entire page to the foam board if it will fit. This alleviates the first cutting out of pieces and allows the project to be completed a bit quicker.

Get creative with subject matter for your puzzles. You are sure to think of many more ideas specially suited to your child. When your kids learn you made it especially for them, you not only give a gift to enjoy and cherish, but the gift of love as well.

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