Make Yummy Homemade Lip Gloss

I have taken the pleasure of finding some of the most exuberating lip-gloss recipes for ladies that are interested in a lip smacking experience. Discover cool ingredients that you can take right out of your kitchen cabinet. Learn ways to invent your own special lip-gloss flavor favorites.
Note: If any of the ingredients in a recipe causes an allergic reaction than please discontinue use or do not use at all.
Chocolate Lip Gloss
3 tablespoons cocoa butter
4 or 5 chocolate chips
1 capsule vitamin E
Melt all ingredients in a double boiler, and then blend with a spoon until the mixture is very smooth. Put into a container and refrigerate until solid.
Cranberry Lip Gloss
1 tablespoon almond oil
10 fresh cranberries
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon petroleum jelly (optional – for more shine)
Mix all the ingredients and then place them in a microwave or heat-resistant container. Heat in the microwave or a water bath until the mixture just begins to boil (1-2 minutes in the microwave). Stir well and gently mash the berries. Let the mixture stand for at least 5 minutes.
Strain the mixture through a fine sieve to remove all pieces of cranberry. Stir and allow to cool completely. When cool, spoon into a clean container.
To use: Spread a small amount onto your lips.
Vanilla Lip Gloss
1 tablespoon grated beeswax
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place the beeswax, coconut oil and vitamin E oil in an ovenproof container. Heat gently until the wax and oils are melted. Stir in the vanilla extract and mix well. Pour the mixture into a clean container and allow to cool completely before using.
This is a fun and easy recipe!! Who would have known that Kool-Aid makes great lip-gloss?
Lip Gloss
2 tablespoons solid shortening (Crisco),
1 tablespoon Kool-Aid drink mix of your choice (powdered, with sugar already added)
Mix the solid shortening together with the drink mix, microwave until mixture is melted, pour into a small container, and set in the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes.
Honey Kool-Aid Sweet Gloss
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening (Crisco)
1 tablespoon Kool-Aid
1 tablespoon Honey,
2 tablespoon Hot Water
1. Use a small bowl to mix 1 tbsp of the solid vegetable shortening and 1 tsp of honey. In a separate bowl, mix the drink mix and 1/4 tsp of hot water until it is dissolved. Stir in as much of the drink mix as possible. The actual amount will depend on the temperature of water. You can choose the color and flavor of you lip-gloss by the type of drink mix you use.
2. Add one drop of the water mixture to the shortening/honey base. Stir well. Repeat until you get the color/flavor combination you want. Pour into a clean container or old lip-gloss jar.
3. Store in the refrigerator. Keeps for 3 days, but it tastes so good that you will use it up very fast!
Not only are Kool-Aid glosses yummy but also you can add your favorite soda pop instead. This alternative tastes great. Melted “Pop Rocks” added to your batch will give you a big flavor burst! Teas such as strawberry, chamomile, and “sleepy time” are also great as an alternative also. Try using hot cocoa mix for a chocolate treat!
Lip balms are fun to make too. They help soothe your lips and they are also delicious to taste. You can choose which essential oils will be the best to you. For example, peppermint oil, orange oil, or tea tree oil are great for making a balm.
Here are some recipes for making a yummy and soothing balm.
Lip Balm
�· 5 to 6 TBSP Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Castor, or Quality Vegetable Oil
�· 1 TBSP Beeswax
�· 2 tsp. Pure Honey
�· 10 drops Orange or Peppermint Essential Oil for a sweet taste, or Tea Tree to treat cold sores and chapped, flaky lips
�· 1/2 tube favorite colored moisturizing lipstick (optional)
Melt together the oil and beeswax in a small saucepan over low heat or in a double boiler just until wax is melted. Use the larger amount of oil if you want a thinner, glossier consistency. Remove from heat. Add honey and blend mixture thoroughly.
If you would like to add color to your gloss, add some of your favorite color of lipstick now, while the mixture is still hot.
Stir the mixture occasionally as it cools this will help to prevent separation. It should have the consistency of petroleum jelly when ready for use. If you choose to add an essential oil to your lip treatment, add it after the gloss has almost cooled and then stir thoroughly. Please make sure that the gloss is cooled before you use on your lips to prevent burns.
If you want to distribute your lip-gloss to your friends and family than here is a great website to get cool containers to put your concoction in.
I hope that God-willing you will discover a great new world of lip-gloss and a yummy delightful hobby for yourself. Use products at your own discretion.