Make a Beaded Fruit Centerpiece for a Dining Room Table

Do you want to create a new centerpiece for your dining room table? If so, you may want to think about creating one out of beaded fruit. Based on my experience, beaded fruit looks attractive and is incredibly uncomplicated to make. Here’s how to do it:

Supplies Needed

In order to complete this project, you will need styrofoam fruit forms, 6 mm plastic beads, bead head pins, a hot glue gun and clear glue sticks. You’ll also want to have craft twigs, glycerin leaves and a method to display your finished fruit on hand. The size and type of beaded fruit that you want to create will determine how many beads, pins and leaves are needed. It will also determine what color beads you’ll need. For instance, red apples will require red beads. As far as the styrofoam fruit forms go, they are typically available for purchase through select craft retailers. They tend to come in packs of 6 to 12 and retail for around $7. One online store that sells the Styrofoam fruit forms is Smooth Foam.

Prepare the Materials

Begin the project by gluing the beads to the tops of the bead head pins. Then temporarily set them aside. Next, insert a piece of craft twig into the top of each fruit form. The twig is designed to represent the fruit’s stem. Once the twigs are into position, secure them into place with beads of hot glue.

Assemble the Beaded Fruit

Continue by inserting one of the beaded pins into one of the Styrofoam fruit forms. Personally, I would recommend starting at the stem end of the fruit. In my experience, it makes the rest of the assembly process go easier. Proceed by inserting a second beaded pin tightly up against the first one. Your goal should be position the pins in such a way as to completely hide the Styrofoam fruit form from view. Keep inserting pins until the entire form is covered with beads.

Once the fruit form has been covered with beads, you’ll need to attach the glycerin leaves to the stem area. I would recommend attaching the glycerin leaves to the stem and the top beads. That way, they are less likely to fall off later. When you have finished attaching the leaves, your beaded fruits will be ready for display.

Display Suggestions

There are several ways to display beaded fruit. One of the easiest methods is to place the beaded fruit inside a crystal bowl and put it in the center of your dining room table. You could also opt to invest in a floating candle bowl and a pillar candle instead. If you opt to go that route, place the pillar candle in the center of the bowl and pile the beaded fruit around it. Afterward, place it in the center of your table and light the candle. Oftentimes, the light from the candle will reflect off of the beads in unique and eye-catching ways.

Source: Personal Experience

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