Make a Clutch Purse Out of Ribbons

You can make a clutch purse out of ribbons, and you can design and decorate your purse made of ribbons to match a specific outfit or color. Instead of searching in vain for a clutch purse to match a certain outfit, make one out of beautiful fabric ribbons. You’ll have a stunning clutch purse that’s just the right size to hold what you need, and your clutch purse made of ribbons will be the ideal accompaniment to casual attire or fancy apparel.
A ribbon purse is the perfect choice for an event such as a wedding or any other formal occasion. Ribbons come in a wide variety of colors, and there are ribbons to match virtually any fabric or hue. Don’t buy an expensive clutch purse to match a certain outfit that you’re only likely to wear one time. Make yourself a designer clutch purse woven with beautiful ribbons. After you discover how easy it is to make one of these beautiful clutch purses, you’ll want several to match a number of outfits for a variety of events and special occasions.
Necessary Supplies
To make a clutch purse from woven ribbons you’ll need a sheet of interfacing approximately thirteen inches by twenty inches. You’ll also need enough eighteen-inch long fabric ribbons to span a twelve-inch wide area of the interfacing, and enough twelve-inch long ribbons to weave crossways. Choose a rainbow of pastel colored ribbons, two or three alternating colors, or make the clutch that’s one solid color. In addition, you’ll need an iron, an ironing board, a sewing machine, a needle and thread, scissors, a pearl button to make a catch, a sheet of color-coordinating fabric for the lining, and a box of pins.
This easy-to-make clutch purse doesn’t require much sewing. Simply pin the four corners of the interfacing to an ironing board. After the interfacing is securely in place, pin rows of ribbons side-by-side leaving about Ã?½ inch on both sides of the interfacing with pins holding down both ends of each ribbon. Keep in mind; the ribbons should span a width of about twelve inches.
After the ribbons are pinned to the interfacing lengthwise, you can begin weaving the twelve-inch long ribbons over and under the rows. After weaving each ribbon across the rows, move them into place tightly against the other ribbons. The interfacing shouldn’t show in between the rows. Continue weaving ribbons all the way across until you have a fabric sheet made from woven ribbons.
Once all the ribbons are in place, carefully remove all of the pins, and iron the ribbons to the interfacing. After the interfacing cools, trim the ribbon-covered interfacing to a size of about twelve inches by eighteen inches.
Trim a piece of fabric lining to a size of about twelve and one half inches by eighteen and one half inches. Place the ribbon-covered interfacing ribbon side down against the lining. Pin the lining in place, and stitch the edges with a sewing machine. Turn the lined ribbon-covered facing right side out.
Next you’ll need to turn down the edge of the open end about a quarter of an inch. Pin the material to hold it in place, and stitch the edge with a sewing machine. Now you have the fabric for the body of the purse.
Complete the purse by laying the fabric on a flat surface lining side up. Fold an end up approximately six inches, and pin the sides. Stitch the sides on a sewing machine, and turn the clutch right side out. All that’s left to do is make a catch for the flap.
Make a catch by sewing a round pearl button to the clutch, and by sewing a loop of matching ribbon to the inside edge of the flap. You now have a beautiful ribbon covered clutch that no one will ever believe you made yourself.