Make a Fake Display Cake

Fake cakes are often used for display purposes in restaurants and bakeries, and fake cakes can be used to create an everlasting decorative display at home. A fake cake displayed on a kitchen counter or dining room table is especially appealing when a home is for sale and on display for potential buyers. The appearance of a freshly baked cake, fake or otherwise, provides an inviting feeling of warmth and comfort.

If you’re looking for a fake cake for display purposes that looks real enough to eat, these easy fake cake instructions will help you make a fake cake that takes the cake. This fake display cake will fool anyone, anywhere, anytime, and the only way people will realize the cake is fake, is if they are tempted enough to try a slice. No one will believe this cake on display is fake, and you’ll find that making this fake display cake is a real piece of cake.

Necessary Supplies

To make a fake cake for display purposes you will need black and white newspaper, a paper shredder, water, a blender, table salt, white craft glue, a rubber spatula, cooking spray, a bundt pan, scissors, acrylic craft paint, talcum powder, and a pretty cake plate to display your finished fake display cake. You might also consider buying a cake scented candle to add realism to your fake cake display. The scent of cake wafting through the air will confirm the authenticity of the fake cake on display in your home or place of business.


Begin making your fake cake by pouring two cups of warm water in an electric blender. Add about three cups of shredded black and white newspaper, and blend the mixture on high speed. Stir the mixture and push it down as necessary. Blend in additional shredded newspaper until the paper pulp is the consistency of thick batter. Pour or spoon the newspaper pulp into a bowl, and mix in three tablespoons of white craft glue, and three tablespoons of table salt. The salt will keep the paper mixture from becoming moldy.

After making the fake cake batter, spray a bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray. Press the fake cake batter onto the sides and bottom of the bundt pan. Make the edges as neat and as even as possible. Keep in mind this fake display cake will be hollow inside, and the fake cake batter should completely cover the sides.

Allow the fake display cake to dry and harden in a warm location such as outside in the sun. After the fake cake is completely dry, turn the bundt pan over, and the fake display cake should fall out. If the fake cake requires a little help, simply loosen the edges with a rubber spatula. If the base of the fake display cake is jagged or makes the cake lopsided, trim it accordingly with scissors.

Paint the fake display cake a realistic shade of golden brown so it looks like it just came out of the oven. Allow the paint to dry completely, and finish making the fake display cake by placing it on a cake plate, and powder the top with a light dusting of talcum powder.

Alternate Cake Decorating Options

Alternately you can frost and decorate your fake display cake. Simply mix 1/2 cup of table salt with a standard size container of frosting. The salt will help prevent spoilage. Stir the frosting until it is well blended and smooth, and frost your fake display cake as you would frost a real cake. Decorate the frosted fake display cake with candy bits, colored sprinkles, and any other cake decorations you desire. Your fake display cake will look good enough to eat!

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