Make an Earth-Friendly Homemade Bug Spray

In today’s world, more and more people are recognizing that conventional pest control chemicals are harmful to humans and animals alike. Raid cockroach spray, for example, is recognized by its own manufacturer as being highly acutely toxic, cancer-causing, a known groundwater pollutant, and it has been shown to cause birth defects.

In addition to being hazardous, conventional pesticides are becoming increasingly less effective. Insects quickly build up resistance to these poisons. To most families, the marginal effectiveness of these toxic fumes is not worth the very real risk that they pose to pets, children, and the environment.

For those seeking green and nontoxic alternatives to the hazards of conventional pesticides, one easy-to-use and very inexpensive homemade bug-spray can be created using a simple solution of dish soap, water, and hydrogen peroxide. I discovered this miracle-spray in a desperate attempt to rid my house of cockroaches. No other options–conventional or natural–seemed to work.

To create this excellent natural pesticide, which is so powerful that it kills most ants, wasps, and cockroaches instantaneously, simply mix a 2:1 ratio of water and hydrogen peroxide in a spray-bottle. Squirt about a tablespoon of dish soap into the mixture and shake it well. Any time that you see an unwelcome pest in your home, simply spray it with a single shot of this magic bullet and it will die immediately.

By standard retail prices in pharmacies and general stores, four ounces of hydrogen peroxide will usually cost about twenty cents or less. A tablespoon of dish soap is unlikely to cost more than fifteen cents, and eight ounces of tap water would total less than a penny. Using these non-toxic products, found in most homes, you can create an effective and nontoxic pesticide for less than thirty-five cents!

Keeping your home pest-free shouldn’t mean sacrificing your family’s health or your budget. It takes very little effort or money to make a greener, natural alternative that is unlikely to harm your pets, your children, or your wallet.

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