Make the Decision to Get Out of Debt and To No Longer Borrow Money

The answer to these questions are yes, we indeed have been brainwashed into living a life in debt, and it’s high time you realized this so that you can start taking steps today to get yourself out of debt once and for all, and live a life without all the stress and actually be truly happy, not caught up into the illusion of the short term gratification of material things.
It’s a very wise lesson to learn how to save up for something and pay cash for it, as opposed to the lure of having it now and paying much more for it over time in interest. You should know though it’s really not entirely your fault at all, we are constantly being told that we should have that expensive car, or use this or that credit card as if it were some sort of status symbol. You need to realize this is called marketing, it’s the explicit attempt to brainwash you into believing that you need a certain thing in order to be happy, in order to be better, or simply to measure up.
But is this true? Actually it’s completely untrue, and many rich people who thought they should be happy because they are rich are actually very unhappy people. Because if you think that happiness will come once you have a bunch of money, or once you have that car, or expensive item, but then after having it you still don’t find yourself happy, where do you go from there? Become even richer? Get an even more expensive car? Get an even bigger house? And if after you do that you still don’t achieve happiness, then what do you do?
That’s the trap, that’s the illusion, that’s the mousetrap you can’t seem to get yourself out of, unless you first realize that you are indeed stuck in a mousetrap, only then are you in a position to get yourself out of it. They say knowledge is power, and indeed this is true. You need to come to this truth and realize you alone have the power to make the decision today to take the first steps necessary to get yourself out of debt, and keep yourself out of debt. Make the short term sacrifice to strategically lower your bills, consolidate them into an affordable monthly payment, pay off all your debt, and then start a new smarter life by saving your money and buying things that you want and paying for them without having to borrow money.
You can’t imagine how much better your life will be if only you would start doing this. Your stress levels would go down a great deal, and you would free yourself from debt once and for all, not only in terms of your finances, but also in terms of your mind. Free yourself of debt and free yourself of the brainwashing of debt once and for all.
There are many ways you can get yourself out of debt and fix your credit, the first step is to evaluate your options and then take some action and get started.
Empower yourself and live a life free of debt forever!