Make the Most of Available Space in a Small Bedroom Closet

Is your bedroom closet small, and you don’t have all the room you need for storage? Not all closets were designed with storage in mind. Bedroom closets of yesteryear were often no larger than the width and depth of the door, and they were barely designed to provide enough storage for one person let alone two.

If your bedroom closet is small, there are clever ways to make the most of available storage space. You can creatively make use of space that you have, and you don’t need the services of a professional organizer to help you make the most of your available space.

Hanger Savvy

Instead of fumbling with tangled hangers when you want a particular article of clothing, make sure all hangers are facing the same direction. Not only will your closet look neater, but also if hangers are facing the same direction, you’ll be able to remove clothing from them quickly and easily.

If the rods in your small bedroom closet are made of wood, you can make a simple modification that will help prevent clothes on hangers from becoming crammed together. Drill evenly spaced notches along the top of the rod. One-inch increments will help you make the most of available space while keeping clothes separated to help prevent wrinkling.

Hang clothes in your small bedroom closet according to length. Hang short items on one end and longer items on the other. Doing so will allow room for freestanding or built-in shelves, and you’ll make the most of the available space in your small bedroom closet.

Adjustable Shelves

If your small bedroom closet has room for shelving, invest in adjustable shelves. The hardware is easy to install, and being able to adjust the shelves will help you make the most of available space.

Pullout Shelves

Pullout shelves are also a fantastic way to help make the most of available space in a small bedroom closet. Pullout shelves will allow you to view and reach all of the contents without having to rearrange other items.

Shoes, Shoes, and More Shoes

Do you have an obsession with shoes that has left you digging for matches in your small bedroom closet? If you’re stuck with a small amount of floor space, consider buying stackable shelves to make the most of available space. You can line the side of your closet from floor to ceiling with stackable freestanding shelves that will enable you to view all of your shoes. You’ll never again have to dig for a needle in a haystack in the bottom of your small bedroom closet.

Clever Hanger for Belts and Ties

If you have a number of belts and ties, don’t buy an expensive specialty rack on which to store them. Buy a large wire rack meant for cooling cookies and other hot foods, and hang the rack on the inside of the door. Hang ties and belts on small S hooks to help make the most of the available space in your small bedroom closet.

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