Makeup and Beauty Tips to Look Great on a First Date

1. If you’re fishing for some kissing, keep those lips glistening. Apply your favorite lip-gloss or Chap Stick as needed. Sparkles and added shine draw more attention to just how kissable your lips really are! Don’t skimp on the tasty lip treatsâÂ?¦you may not be the only one enjoying them!
2. For the ultimate mysterious guise, accentuate your eyes. Many people consider the eyes to be the window to one’s soul. With a language all their own, eyes convey every emotion – joy, sorrow, uncertainty, nervousness, mischievousness, sarcasm and on down the line.
Let your eyes engage their own conversation with your date, thanks to a special flair and style stemming right back to your choice of mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner. Select shades that complement your skin tone as well as your wardrobe, and apply enough to be noticed, but not too much to be overwhelming. Lengthen and thicken your lashes with a bold mascara and swipe on a little eye shadow to bring some color into the equation. Use eyeliner to emphasize your eyes, bringing their intensity up just a bit.
3. Got a blemish? Fret not. Some concealer and pressed powder can save the day. Zits happen. We’ve all had them, and we’ll probably see many more of them in our days. Now, unless you’ve got the honker of all honkers, chances are you’re more than likely overreacting to the situation at hand. Have you ever noticed when a friend exclaims something like, “Oh my gosh, can you believe the size of this sucker?!” – sometimes you still can’t see the blemish, even after she points it out to you? It may be true that we are always more critical of ourselves, sometimes to the point of excess.
To help erase the unsightly mark on your face, try a drop of Visine to get the red out, or apply a solution containing benzoyl peroxide. Once the area dries, apply concealer to the affected area and blend it in as best you can. Now apply the pressed powder to your entire face, step back and examine the damage. Most times, this method clears up the spot enough that you’d have to be looking for the blemish in order to identify it.
4. Select a sexy fragrance and flaunt it. If scent truly is the strongest sense tied to memory, choice of fragrance can be an invaluable factor in your preparation for the big night. If you end up connecting with your date, you will probably want to instill a completely sensual and mind-blowing impression on him. Do this effortlessly with a perfume you love – and one he won’t be able to get enough of!
5. Pack a “beauty survival kit” and keep it with you, just in case. This kit should contain all emergency items and still fit safely out of sight, inside your purse. Consider including items like dental floss and/or toothpicks for stubborn broccoli, tissues, eye drops, aspirin (in case your date drives you bonkers), and toiletries in case of a surprise visit. If you are driving separately and meeting somewhere, you may wish to keep an extra pair of pantyhose in your car in case your skirt or dress gets a runner.