Making Jeweled Mirror Art is Fun and Easy

Look in a craft store for mirrors of all shapes and sizes. Home improvement and hardware stores often have the 12″x12″ mirror squares that are cheap if you want to work with something a little larger. After selecting the mirror look in notions to find faux jewels. The jewels are flat on one side, beveled on the other, and come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
It’s easy to do all sorts of art pieces with the mirrors and faux jewels. Simply outline the mirror with the jewels, or make a different design. Start with a large jewel in the center then glue on smaller and smaller jewels as you scatter them outward. Or, just put a jewel in each corner and leave it at that.
Stencils make it easy to design fabulous pieces with the mirrors. Use the stencil to draw the design onto the mirror with a magic marker. Markers are easy to wipe off when you’re finished with the design. Instead of coloring in the image of the stencil use the jewels to fill in the areas you wish to color. Stencils are available in hundreds of images and sizes.
Something else you can use for the pattern is a coloring book page. Use an Exacto knife to cut the areas you wish to color then highlight them with the markers. Now glue the jewels into place and you have a fabulous art piece that’s easy and inexpensive.
Mirrors about the size of a small dinner plate cost a couple of bucks, smaller ones even less. The jewels cost a couple of bucks but you get a whole bunch of them, especially if you purchase the smaller jewels. Assortment packs are best, though, since you then have your choice of sizes and colors all in one pack.
Other techniques you can do with the mirrors and jewels include initials, names, short sayings, or just a random design you make yourself. It’s fun to make the jeweled mirrors – and very inexpensive. Make sets of one large and two small, three oval pieces, one large circular piece, or another combination.
The mirror sets are fun, easy and will make great gifts for all your family members and friends. Since stencils come in so many different designs it’ll be easy to make one that’s personalized for each friend.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design