Making Money by Making Your Own Unique Pillows

One thing that everyone wants to do nowadays is to make money. So why not turn a fun hobby into a full time money making career? This article will help you to get started in accomplishing that task. Making your own pillows is a something that anyone can do. The key to making money with this craft is to give the pillow your own unique touch and style. One thing you will definitely need for this business is a sewing machine. For a few creative ideas you will need the following items; decorative fabric of your choosing, pillow stuffing (package of cotton found at craft store), lace medallion, a yard of braid, decorative upholstery cord to match your fabric (you will need about 3 1/2 yards for a standard 18 in. pillow), fabric glue, thread to match your upholstery, two to four tassels that match your fabric, measuring tape, sewing needles, fabric pen, and at least five decorative buttons. Make sure that you include any additional items or patterns that you will need to create your own unique touch.

Once you have all of your materials you can begin making your pillows. You will basically need to follow the following steps in order to create your basic pillow. Start by using your measuring tape, and fabric pen to make two 18in size squares on your fabric. Or if you want to change it up a bit why not make your pillows a different shape, there is no law that says all pillows have to be square. Then cut out your pattern, and begin adding your creative design to the front side of the material. Your design should always be added before you stitch up the pillow. Remember the more creative you are the more likely you are to make a profit from your pillows. Next pin the two patterns together using your sewing needles. Make sure that the design you want to appear on the outside of the pillow is facing in when you pin the two sides together. So your fabric will be inside out. Make sure that you leave a small space on one side of your pillow without pins. This area will be sewed up after you have inserted your cotton, so it should be big enough for you to fit your hand in. Now you can start sewing around the edges of the fabric about one inch in. You can sew right over the pins. Don’t worry you will be able to pull them out. Continue sewing all the way around until you reach the opening. Once you are finished sewing, you can remove all of the pins. Now stick your hand in the hole and turn the pillow so that the outside is now inside, and the decorative part of your pillow is now on the outside. You can now stuff your pillow with the cotton. Next begin sewing up your open hole. You can use the machine for this since you will be covering the seams up with your upholstery cord.

Now it is time to finish decorating the outside of your unique pillow. If you want to use lace then you can place the lace medallion in the center of your pillow and glue it into place. If you do not want to use glue then you can use tiny blind stitches. If you do not want to use the lace then you can try something else like buttons. When it comes to decorating the outside of your pillow the possibilities really are endless. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ideas and techniques. Remember to have fun, and use your imagination. In order to turn your pillows into profit you need a place to sort of test them out and see how well the public will like them. The best place to begin would probably be eBay. You will need to take some pretty good pictures of your pillows to post on eBay. Keep in mind that people are more likely to buy something that they can see, rather than something that they can not see. Make sure that the price is reasonable for pillows. You could try looking at some of the other people selling pillows on eBay. One thing that you must do is always check out the competition. The key is to find your target market. This would be the group of people who you will be selling your pillows too. For example you could try making unique pillows for kids and make children your target market. Remember to do your research in this market before you begin, so that when you do start your business you will not waste any time trying to sell to people who are not interested.

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