Making Your Own Cleaning Solutions

Why go to the supermarket and spend money purchasing cleaning solutions for your home? You can make those solutions right at home. By doing so, not only do you save some money, but derive a sense of satisfaction as well. With the help of some homemade cleaning products, you can disinfect, shine, and clean your home, and spend the money saved in the process on other pressing needs. Making these cleaning solutions at home is easy and straightforward and better still, they cost almost ten times less than their more famous commercial counterparts.

For making simple cleaning solutions, you will need white vinegar, water, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, olive oil, lemon juice, liquid bleach, and three clean, empty, spray bottles that can be sealed (they do not need to be too large, as it should only fit a couple of cups of liquid in it).

If you want to clean surfaces and tiles (non-wood surfaces), mix one cup of white vinegar with a cup of water, and put into a spray bottle. You can label that bottle “all purpose cleaner”. In the case of wood surfaces and furniture, you should mix one cup of olive oil with 1/2 cup of lemon juice and keep the mixture in a sealed container. Label it “furniture polish”. To clean your toilet, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar (without diluting it), and label it “toilet bowl cleaner”. If you want to clean sinks and tubs, use baking soda as a scouring powder. As sinks and tubs are usually hard to clean, add a small quantity of water to some baking soda and form a paste. Paint the paste onto the area you need to clean, and let sit for half an hour. Scrub it off, and scour again with dry baking soda.

For making cleaning solutions to clean mirrors, TV/computer screens, and glass, you can mix together one cup of rubbing alcohol, one cup of water, and one tablespoon of white vinegar. Pour into a spray bottle, and label it “glass cleaner”. If you have to clean a hard floor, fill a mop bucket with steaming hot water, and add some liquid bleach. Go through the dilution instructions on your bottle of bleach, to find out how much bleach to put into the bucket. For spot-cleaning carpets, you need to pour some undiluted rubbing alcohol on the spot, and rub with a wash cloth.

In order to clean your oven, you need one cup or more baking soda, water and a squirt or two of liquid detergent. For making the solution, sprinkle lots of water over the bottom of the oven, and cover the grime with sufficient quantity of baking soda so that the surface it totally white. Then sprinkle some more water over the top and let the mixture set overnight. As the grime will have loosened by that time, you can easily wipe up the grease the next morning. When you are through with the worst part of the operation, dab some liquid detergent or soap on a sponge, and wash the remaining residue from the oven.

Using these simple resources and equally simple methods you can have all the cleaning solutions you need to clean your whole house and also save some money in the process.

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