Making Your Thanksgiving Eco-Friendly & Green

When it is time to shop for an eco-friendly Thanksgiving bring your bounty home in re-usable shopping bags. The EPA estimates that over 380 billion plastic bags and sacks are used in the US every year requiring billions of barrels of oil to manufacture. When these bags breakdown they eventually contaminate our water and soil supplies. Thanksgiving is a good time to honor the earth and make the switch to re-usable bags. Re-useable bags are inexpensive and can be found at most grocery stores.
A plump, juicy turkey is the centerpiece of many a Thanksgiving dinners. Why not make this a green Thanksgiving by purchasing a free-range turkey? Most free-range turkeys are raised humanely without unnecessary chemicals and hormones. Free-range turkeys can be pre-ordered from local organic grocers.
Thanksgiving dinner means thanksgiving leftovers, and what you do with those leftovers can have an impact on the environment. Store your leftovers in re-usable containers. Resist the urge to send guests home with plastic wrapped odds and ends by asking them to bring containers with them for leftovers. Consider going the extra step and composting any scraps that can’t be consumed. Composting can be done even in urban locations and your lawn and garden will thank you later. Visit for tips on starting a compost pile.
Simplify decorations by using organic or recycled materials. Gourds, pumpkins and vegetables make wonderful accents that can be consumed later. If you must have new decorations look for “new to you” items at local re-sale shops.
If traveling is part of your Thanksgiving holiday plans be sure your tires are properly inflated before hitting the road. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the average driver can improve their mileage by 3.3% simply by maintaining proper tire pressure. While this may not sound like much it means an eleven cent savings per gallon which could add up quickly during a road trip.
Incorporating any or all of these tips into your holiday will help reduce your environmental impact and will keep the focus of Thanksgiving centered on the spirit of thanks for our abundance.