Making the Band 3: Danity Kane: P. Diddy’s Latest Venture in the Music World Seems to Show Some Promise

I’m sure many people reading this article have just recently realized who in the world Danity Kane is. That is the name of the all-girl group Diddy has been molding and shaping for three seasons of MTV’s Making The Band. With the third and final season almost complete, Danity Kane’s video has just been released to smother MTV’s airwaves and their album will do the same to the MTV free community on August 22, 2006 which is the release date for their first and self-titled album.

Just who makes up this band and what kind of music do they sing? Well, the five young ladies that make up this group are Aubrey O’Day, Shannon Bex, Dawn Richard, D. Woods and Aundrea Fimbres. They had to endure almost a grueling two season torture where they had to room and board with a number of other girls in order to compete for a chance in Diddy’s group. Finally, the beginning of the third season began to showcase a stronger vocal side of all five women and gave a chance for the viewers to see the group in a more polished setting without the added drama from 10 other girls.

Now that it’s down to the wire, the third season of making the band has been more about rounding out the girls in their appearance and what their role would be in the group, vocally. They have been performing more hip-hop, R&B and of course, pop songs. I have to admit, vocally they have been able to help each other out immensely and no one else can be commended for that but Diddy. He does have an eye for talent but let’s just hope this group sees that and stick it out for the long haul.

Needless to say, there are a few girls that seem to be more popular with the male and female audience and that is Aubrey. Perhaps not the strongest voice, she has got something that is attracting many female and male fans alike by clogging up search engines in hopes of finding any information on her and collect her pictures. She has been featured in a number of magazines because of her “saucy” looks and clothing style.

The five girls seem to have grown very close to each other over the course of this Making The Band experience which as helped them gel more as a group. Although I have not watched every single episode, I have watched the show enough to pick up on a few things I do like. Each girl has a unique style and instead of having all of them looking really manufactured and being thrust into the music world, their style comes across more as what they’ve progressed into.

I do have to admit though that their clothing style could use a little bit of help. Although it seems that the reason the girls from the group dress as revealing as they to attract a larger male audience – it’s more woman that are clicking away trying to stay up to date with these girls. I’m sure I’m not the only one that perhaps they should get a little bit more class in their clothing department because their music will get overshadowed with their looks. But then again, maybe that’s what they want. What mainstream group doesn’t these days, right?

The name Danity Kane is very unique and most likely the reason why many people haven’t figured out that the group from Making The Band 3 and Danity Kane are the same. The name came from one of Dawn’s anime superheros that she drew. Diddy took an immediate interest and liking to the character and when he found out that character’s name, he knew he had stumbled upon a winner. Danity Kane was not only the superhero’s name but also the name for Diddy’s girl group – they finally had a name!

It couldn’t have come at a better time because with a CD to be released in the next few weeks along with their video finally being released to MTV, people are going to need to know their names. There has a large number of people misspelling the name – how could you not? When typing in Danity Kane, the search engines prompts you to a similar spelling but vastly different in meaning, Dainty Kane. Either way, folks will get the idea and correct their mistake. They have recently been listed as #1 on Yahoo’s search engine so somebody’s getting it right!

Although still fairly new and with only three images on the google website, Danity Kane is quickly growing in popularity with their official website getting set-up. In the meantime, fans can visit their account and listen to their songs and add it to their own myspace account if they choose to do so. Regardless of whether or not you may think they’re talented or here just for the moment, there’s something that’s captivating about them.

Perhaps it’s the fact that we’ve been following them for three seasons and we know what kind of struggles and obstacles they’ve overcome to get to where they are? Or maybe we’re just tired of all the emo music that’s burst onto the scene for the past few years. Whatever the reason – at least for the next 15 minutes, Danity Kane is number one for the vast majority.

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