Making the Best of the Empty Nest

Once upon a time the future was yours to do with as you pleased. The years stretched before you like miles of unpainted canvas. Your life was your own. Then suddenly, it was ruled by late night feedings, diaper changes and baby’s first steps. That evolved into soccer games, sleepovers and first broken hearts. Then, there were high school sweethearts, driver’s licenses and graduation. Now, just as suddenly, or so it seems, your life is your own again to do with as you please. The majority of your past has been given over to your children and their never ending needs. Now is the time to get back in touch with your needs and what can be done about them.
This is the time many adults go back to school. Sometimes it is to finish a degree that was put to the side in favor of raising the family. Sometimes it is to begin a degree that was not considered in younger years. And sometimes it is for continuing adult education. Whatever the personal choice might be, the empty nest makes the ideal place for quite study.
Once family obligations are no longer so demanding, it may be a good time to take up old hobbies, or maybe begin new ones. Knitting, crocheting, painting or writing are all good ways to fill the time as well as producing one of a kind heirlooms. Many people also take up physical activities such as golf, tennis and aerobics. The community center would have more information on beginner’s classes. The community center would also be a good place to look for groups such as bridge or other card games and the library could recommend book clubs.
Organizations are always looking for volunteers. Schools need teacher’s helpers, hospitals, the Red Cross and domestic violence and abuse centers are in need of help year around. Volunteering is a reward all in itself.
With so many opportunities to choose from, the possibilities are almost endless. Get out and enjoy your new life and your empty nest.