Making the Most out of Your Home and Local Library

Inter-library loan.
The interlibrary loan program, allows you to check you out books that are not found in your local library. These books are found at other libraries in the same library system, or in another location. Requests can take anywhere from one week to a month to receive the book. Services include fiction and non fiction books, microfilm, photocopies of journals, magazine, and newspaper articles. This service is usually not for reference materials, like encyclopedias or any type of media. The length of time you can keep the book is determined by the lending library. This service is usually free; some libraries have a request fee from $10 to $20, or accept donations to cover their costs. Inquire at your local library to see if this is a free or low cost service for you. If the item you are looking for is found, but does not qualify for the interlibrary loan program, you can travel to that particular location to view the book, and make photo copies at that time.
Literacy resources.
Professional tutors for children and adults, regularly meet their clients at the library. Many cities have a list of professional tutors who can assist your learning needs in the library. Libraries often have tables off to the side, and rooms set aside for studying. This is a great resource when you need the best grade school tutor, adult literacy assistant, or when taking a college level course.
Be sure to explore the free options available to you to continue your quest for knowledge. Many non profit organizations have their information registered with the public library. For example adults who would like to learn, and improve their reading and writing skills. There is state and government funded grant programs that libraries participate in to assist in helping to educate the community. These volunteers have been trained, on the proper techniques to achieve good results.
Build your personal library.
Many libraries have a cozy corner in the back or at the entrance of the library to sit, read, and shop. Books that the library has decided to let go, due to a newer edition, needing more shelf space, or whatever reason. These books are in very good condition. Community members donate their gently read magazines, trade journals, books of all varieties, tapes, VHS, and DVD movies are sold to provide additional funds for the library. In between the libraries contribution and the local community, this is an excellent way to find expensive coffee table hard cover books, recent magazines, and deeply textbooks. Prices usually range from a free section, $0.10 magazines, $0.25 soft cover books, $.50-$2.00, for hardcover books.
Virtual Library.
Access thousands of books from your personal computer for free. Many libraries have an online data base of thousands of books. This service is provided for all patrons of the library who have a library card. You will be assigned a user name and password to read thousands of books online from home. The books are viewable in a pdf format, similar to Adobe. This program allows you to scroll, search, and bookmark important information.
By exploring the services of the local library, all members of the community have access to reading materials, music, and adult literacy programs. Adult literacy programs have a direct economic impact on the community. Becoming literate opens new doors in a person’s social, economic, and professional life. Becoming literate give a person the tools needed to escape poverty, and set a higher standard of education for their children, and those they have influence with. Delve into your local library to keep up with your personal hobbies, stay up to date on your business affairs, and complete academic research virtually or in person.