Marble Tile Flooring Checklist

Marble is trusted material for flooring and wall tile and has been so for millennia. There are ways and means by which to see about maintaining the look of a marble tile floor which will help to extend its original look. There are also a few pitfalls to avoid for the same result.
- Do your research. Find out more about the nature of marble and decide if it is the most effective choice on a practical level for your installation. Consider the location of your marble tile installation. Think about the types of traffic it will need to endure, and judge how much time and resources you have to maintain your marble tile after it is installed in that location
- Remember that marble is a natural material – it will not be free of color or pattern variation. This of course can be used to your advantage when laying out your tile
- Open all the boxes in your particular shipment. This will help you to get a general overview of the types of patterns and color variations that characterize your particular batch of marble tile
- Read all warranty information as early on in the process as possible. This will allow you to avoid any possibility of voiding it, and also give you a general idea of what to expect from your chosen variety of marble tile
- Hire a natural stone tile professional if you are inexperienced with the laying of marble tile. This will allow you to avoid any undue exertion (natural stone is a heavy material) and costly errors
- Check for damage to tile before you install, and work with your sales rep about how to resolve any issues of breakage as early as possible. Some marble tile sellers will allow for a percentage of expected breakage during shipment. Make sure you’re aware of this information too, preferably before you buy. This will allow you to account for any extra tile you’ll need to order to make up for any square footage lost for reasonable breakage
- Install your marble tile in an area that is clean, dry, and level. This will ensure short term success as well as long term.
- Incorporate a cleaning and polishing regimen in order to maintain your marble tile flooring. Choose the appropriate cleaners and sealers (all natural stone needs to be sealed), with the help of your sales rep, installers, and local retailers. Always read the labels and instructions for any products you buy.
- Take care of spills, particularly those liquids which are acidic, right away. Acids will corrode marble tile and tarnish its finish
Obviously, this is not a complete list on the types of considerations you’ll have to take into account when looking to install marble tile flooring. As stated briefly above, a great way to make sure that you will have success in installing marble tile flooring is to seek the advice of those with experience. Most reputable sellers will fill you in on the information that you’re missing, and help you to make the best choice in natural stone tile.