Married People Live Longer

Married People Lives More

According to a new research, marriage can be good for health. A survey of 80,000 Americans showed that people who were never married were 58 percent more likely to die than their married peers. Compared with people who live with their spouses, those who were divorced were 39 per cent more likely to die during the follow-up period.

Marriage, social institution uniting men and women in special forms of mutual dependence, often for the purpose of founding and maintaining families. In view of the necessity for children to undergo a long period of development before attaining maturity, the care of children during their years of relative helplessness appears to have been the chief incentive for the evolution of the family structure. Marriage as a contract between a man and a woman has existed since ancient times. As a social practice, entered into through a public act, it reflects the purposes, character, and customs of the society in which it is found.

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